(A)   Zoning districts. This section and the subsequent subchapter establish the 11 zoning districts within the City of Dilworth and set forth information pertaining to the districts, including: (a) statements of purpose; and (b) dimensional standards and permitted uses. Land use regulations, building regulations and development standards set forth within this chapter shall be enforced uniformly within each district.
   (B)   Statements of purpose.
      (1)   Transitional Zone (TZ). This district identifies land that is presently agricultural in use and will be limited to this specific use type until such time that development occurs. Prior to the development of this land or contemporaneous with any development application, a rezoning process consistent with § 153.023 shall be required.
      (2)   Single-Family and Limited Two-Family District (R-1). This district is established to provide predominantly single-family neighborhoods.
      (3)   Single-Family and Two-Family Districts (R-2). This district is established to encompass and preserve primary residential neighborhoods.
      (4)   Limited Multiple-Family Residential District (R-3). This district is established to provide an area where there will be a compatible variety in residential densities by limiting multiple-family dwellings to eight units. The intent of the district is to provide appropriate transitions between single- family residences, two-family residences and low density multiple-family residences.
      (5)   Multiple-Family Residential District (R-4). This district is established to provide a place for high density residential development. Non-residential uses permitted in this district will be limited to those uses and buildings that will provide stability and dignity to the area as a residential neighborhood.
      (6)   Manufactured Housing Residential District (R-5). This district is established to set aside an area within municipal limits for the exclusive use of manufactured home park(s) with certain restrictions to provide the residents in that district a safe, healthy environment.
      (7)   Neighborhood Business District (C-1). This district is established to provide an area for commercial development of a nature that is compatible and complementary with adjacent residential areas.
      (8)   Central Business District (C-2). This district is established to provide a core area of services to the community of Dilworth. Services provided within this district should vary in use and extent.
      (9)   General Business District (C-3). This district is established to provide the community and region with an area of commercial establishments that will provide a variety of goods and services.
      (10)   Light Industrial District (I-1). This district is established to permit light industrial uses that are free from objectionable influence upon adjacent urban development.
      (11)   Heavy Industrial District (I-2). This district is established to provide an area that will accommodate industries not permitted in other districts. However, these uses should not endanger the health, safety or general welfare of the city or its residents.
(Ord. passed - -)