It shall be unlawful for any person to make, continue to cause to be made, or continue any loud, unnecessary, prolonged or unusual noise which disturbs the peace of others, including, but not limited to, the following:
No person shall participate in any party, gathering, or be a person(s) keeping or maintaining a disorderly house of people giving rise to noise or disturbing the peace, quiet, or repose of another person within the city;
(B) Loud noises from radios and the like, including persons owning, occupying, or having charge of any building or premises, or any part thereof, which cause or allow any loud, excessive, or unusual noise in the operation or use of any radio, television, phonograph, or other mechanical or electrical sound-making or reproducing device, instrument, or machine, which loud, excessive, or unusual noise shall disturb the comfort, quiet, or repose of any person; and
(C) Amplifiers, including the operation of such device in any public street or place, or from any aircraft or in front of or outside of any building, place, or premises, or in or through any window, doorway, or opening of such building, place, or premises, abutting on or adjacent to any public street or place, any device, apparatus, or instrument for the amplification of the human voice or any sound or noise or other sound-making or sound-reproducing device, without a permit granted by the city.
(Ord. 96-9, passed - -1996; Ord. 21-08, passed 11-8-2021)
Penalty, see § 94.999
It shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian of a minor to knowingly permit a minor to violate any provision of this subchapter.
(Ord. 96-9, passed - -1996) Penalty, see § 94.999