(A) Permit required. A written permit shall be required for any person to plant, transplant, trim remove or do any surgery of any kind on any public tree or shrub. The permit shall be obtained from City Hall at no charge. Exceptions include utility companies, for the purpose of clearing its power lines. Also, homeowners or tenants may trim their own trees or shrubs on their own property as not to interfere with travel on the streets, avenues or sidewalks.
(B) Exemptions. No permit shall be required for homeowners or tenants to water or fertilize the public trees or shrubs on the adjacent public easement.
(C) Requirements and conditions of permits.
(1) If the city determines that the proposed work is within the rules and regulations of this chapter, and the Master Street Plan, and welfare of the public, the location of utilities, sidewalks, streets, avenues, driveways, street lights in which the tree or shrub is to be located, it will grant a permit.
(2) In granting a permit, the city may require that the permitee replace up to the number of trees or shrubs that he or she might remove, if the city does require this, it will state on the permit. No permitee with such a permit shall fail, refuse or neglect to plant specified number of trees or shrubs of the type, size and location specified on his or her permit.
(a) Boulevard or public species permitted. Alder |
- Prairie Horizon |
Birch |
- Dakota Pinnacle Asian White |
- Prairie Dream Paper |
Chokecherry |
- Amur |
Cherry |
- Pink Flair Sargent |
Corktree |
- Amur |
Crab |
- Spring Snow |
Dogwood |
- Snow Mantle |
Elm |
- Accolade |
- Cathedral |
- Discovery |
- New Horizon |
- Princeton American |
- Prairie Expedition American |
- Valley Forge |
- Vanguard |
Hackberry |
- Common |
- Delta
Hawthorne |
- Crusader |
- Snowbird |
- Thornless Cockspur |
- Toba |
Honey-locust |
- Northern Acclaim |
Ironwood |
Lilac |
- Copper Curls |
- Ivory Silk |
- Japanese Tree |
Linden |
- American |
- Boulevard |
- Dropmore |
- Front yard |
- Green Spire |
- Harvest Gold |
- June Bride |
- Littleleaf |
- Norlin |
- Pyramidal American |
- Rancho |
- Redmond |
- Shamrock |
Maple |
- Amur |
- Autumn Blaze |
- Deborah |
- Embers
- Emerald Queen Lustre Norway |
- Fall Fiesta Sugar |
- Green Mountain Sugar |
- Hot Wings Tatarian |
- Northern Flare Sugar |
- Miller Superform Norway |
- Norway |
- Pattern Perfect Tatarian |
- Royal Red |
- Sienna Glen |
- Silver |
Oak |
- Burr |
- Prairie Stature |
Pear |
- Prairie Gem |
- Mountain Frost |
- Korean Sun |
- Autumn Blaze Callery |
Plum |
- Princess Kay |
Serviceberry |
- Autumn Brilliance |
Walnut |
- Black
(b) Boulevard trees shall not be less than 35 feet apart and shall conform to the alignment of the block. Boulevard trees shall not measure less than one and one-half inches in diameter at a distance of one foot above the ground.
(c) No tree plantings allowed on boulevards less than eight feet in width.
(d) Trees shall be trimmed to balance. No painting of cuts are required.
(e) Residents or property owners shall keep trees trimmed eight feet above sidewalks. Trees will be kept trimmed 12 feet above alleys and streets.
(f) Trees must be no less than ten feet from intersections.
(g) Shrubs or hedges on corner lots shall be trimmed below 24 inches above curb line for a distance of 25 feet from intersecting street and alley lot lines. No shrubs or hedges allowed on boulevards.
(h) Diseased or dead boulevard trees will be removed by the city free of charge. Boulevard plantings will be made by the property owner at his or her own expense.
(I) Under no circumstances may a boulevard tree be planted within a distance of four feet from the boulevard edge of the curb or four feet from sidewalk or proposed sidewalk edge.
(j) No trees or shrubs will be allowed within five feet of an alley property line.
(D) Fee. There shall be no charge for such a permit.
(E) Public utility. When a permit is issued to a public utility other than Northern States Power Company, to move, trim, remove or do any other surgery on any public tree or shrub, the city may limit the work to be done to the actual necessities of the utilities and may assign an Inspector to supervise the work done under conditions of his or her permit.
(Ord. 80-3, passed 5-12-1980; Ord. 85-3, passed 11-26-1985; Ord. 93-3, passed 5-26-1993; Ord. 96-5, passed 9-9-1996; Ord. 07-03, passed 10-8-2007; Ord. 13-01, passed 7-8-2013)