§ 54.01 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the use of geothermal heating systems within the city.
   (B)   In furtherance of this overall purpose, this chapter is specifically intended to serve the following sub-purposes:
      (1)   Conservation and beneficial management of geothermal resources and thermal ground waters in a comprehensive and coordinated manner so as to assure their continued availability and productivity;
      (2)   Continued support and assistance for individual private geothermal resources and thermal ground water uses, including residential, institutional, commercial and industrial activities;
      (3)   Maximization of the public welfare and economic benefit to be derived from geothermal resources and thermal ground waters;
      (4)   Minimization of the potential for damage or degradation to geothermal resources and thermal ground waters; and
      (5)   Protection of the surface and subsurface environment during development and utilization of geothermal resources and thermal ground waters.
(Ord. 09-02, passed 4-13-2009)