State Law Reference:
   Authority to establish business license tax based on gross receipts, S.C. Code § 5-7-30
7-1-1   License Required
7-1-2   Definitions
7-1-3   Purpose and Duration
7-1-4   Business License Tax, Refund
7-1-5   Registration Required
7-1-6   Deductions, Exemptions and Charitable Organizations
7-1-7   False Application Unlawful
7-1-8   Display and Transfer
7-1-9   Administration of Chapter
7-1-10   Inspection and Audits
7-1-11   Assessments, Payment Under Protest, Appeal
7-1-12   Delinquent License Taxes, Partial Payment
7-1-13   Notices
7-1-14   Denial of License
7-1-15   Suspension or Revocation of License
7-1-16   Appeals to City Council
7-1-17   Consent, Franchise or License Required for Use of Streets
7-1-18   Confidentiality
7-1-19   Violations
7-1-20   Severability
7-1-21   Classification and Rates
7-1-22   Business License Tax on Telecommunications
7-1-23   Gross Income From Interstate Commerce Taxed
7-1-24   Telecommunication Tax and Fees
7-1-25   Rate for Business License
7-1-26   Exemptions Repealed
7-1-27   Agreement with Municipal Association
7-1-28   Insurance Companies