(A)   The city shall charge such costs that are necessary and proper to implement the garbage collection services. Charges for garbage services shall include collection, disposal, recycling, transportation, transfer station fees, and rental. The charges for these fees shall be established by Council.
   (B)   All boxes placed inside of the dumpster container must be broken down (torn apart) and no boxes placed on top of or beside of the containers will be picked up. The city may refuse to empty any containers which contain boxes which are not broken down; anyone placing boxes beside of or on top of a container shall be subject to conviction for violation of the littering ordinance, and the city may refuse to empty any container which has boxes placed around or on top of it.
   (C)   Tires may not be placed in any front loading garbage container.
   (D)   The city may refuse to pick up trash at any location if it finds:
      (1)   Tires or other large, foreign matter in the container which may cause mechanical problems during pick-up or damage to vehicles.
      (2)   A garbage box that is improperly maintained causing refuse to spill out during loading.
      (3)   Proper concrete pads are not provided or access maintained.
      (4)   The garbage box is improperly sized for the amount of refuse to be handled on a weekly basis; or
      (5)   The container is not designed to be picked up by a front loading truck or the container is unauthorized by the Service Department for any reason.
(Ord. 98-15, passed 10-12-1998)
Cross Reference:
   Littering, Sec. 6-3-3 et seq.