§ 151.01 AREA OF IMPACT.
   (A)   Recital reference. The recitals set forth in city ordinances and county ordinances pertaining to the area of city impact, which are on file in the office of the City Clerk and in the office of the County Clerk, are incorporated in this document and by this reference are made a part hereof.
   (B)   Geographic city impact zone. The agreed upon city impact zone with its described boundary is established by the above incorporated ordinances and documents of the county and the city and are set forth therein.
   (C)   Governing plan and ordinance. The area of impact shall be governed by the county and its land use ordinances.
   (D) Renegotiation. The city impact zone may be reviewed and renegotiated at any time upon the request of either the City Council or the County Commission.
(Ord. 60, passed - -)