(A)   Order. The Commission shall review proposed amendments in the following manner.
      (1)   Proposed amendments, by application or by motion of the Commission or Council, shall be submitted to the Commission which shall evaluate the proposal to determine the nature and extent of the amendment, and whether or not it is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.
      (2)   If the proposal is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, the Commission may recommend and the Council may adopt or reject the Zoning Code amendment under the notice and hearing procedures as herein provided.
   (B)   Criteria for review. The Commission shall, at a minimum, consider the following criteria in making its recommendation to the Council:
      (1)   The relationship of the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan;
      (2)   Availability of public services to support the full range of proposed uses; and
      (3)   Compatibility of the proposed uses with the surrounding area.
   (C)   Notification. If the proposal is not in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, the Commission shall notify the applicant of this finding and inform the applicant that he or she must apply for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan before the Zoning Code or Zoning Map can be amended.
   (D)   Public hearing. The Commission, prior to making any recommendations to the Council on any proposed amendment, shall hold at least one public hearing in which all interested persons shall have an opportunity to speak.
   (E)   Meeting publication notice. At least 15 days prior to the hearing, the City Clerk shall publish a notice of time, place, and the amendment in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. In addition, if the amendment involves a change in district boundaries or land-use designation, notice shall be provided by mail to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the land being considered, and any additional area that may be affected by the proposed amendment as specifically designated by the Commission.
   (F)   Change. Following the hearing, if the Commission makes a substantial change from what was presented at the hearing, further notice and hearing shall be provided before the Commission makes its recommendations to the Council.
   (G)   Judgment. The Commission shall recommend, with reasons therefor, to the Council that the proposed amendment be granted or denied, or that a modified amendment be granted.
(Ord. 56, passed 11-1-1999)