§ 154.135 REVOCATION.
   (A)   The Commission, upon request by the Council, an individual, or itself may consider and revoke a special use permit for any of the following grounds:
      (1)   Violation of this subchapter;
      (2)   Violation of the conditions of the permit after notice of the violation; or
      (3)   Causing or allowing a nuisance in connection with the premises.
   (B)   If the Commission finds that probable cause exists for revocation of a special use permit, the City Clerk shall give notice of a hearing to the permittee and the public in the same manner as notice of a hearing for an application for a special use permit. The Commission shall hold a hearing on the question of revoking the permit and, if it finds that grounds for revocation exist, it shall revoke the permit. The applicant or the person requesting the revocation may appeal the decision of the Commission to the City Council. The Council shall follow the procedures set forth in this section with regard to any such appeal.
(Ord. 56, passed 11-1-1999)