§ 154.100  PURPOSE.
   (A)   The city recognizes that strict adherence to the bulk regulations set forth in this chapter on a lot-by-lot basis is not always the most effective manner in which to carry out the intent of this chapter and the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) process encourages flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to improve the design, character, and quality of new development with the end goal of meeting the requirements for project approval outlined in § 154.109.
   (B)   Specific purposes of the planned unit development process include:
      (1)   Promoting flexibility in the type, design, and siting of structures to preserve and take advantage of the site’s unique natural resources or scenic features, and to avoid or mitigate any hazardous areas, thereby improving the character and quality of new development;
      (2)   Encouraging more efficient use of land, public streets, utilities, and government services;
      (3)   Preserving open space for the benefit of residents of planned unit developments, as well as the community in general;
      (4)   Achieving a compatible relationship between the uses in the planned unit developments as well as the community in general; and
      (5)   Encouraging the use of renewable resources and energy conservation measures.
(Ord. 56, passed 11-1-1999)