(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the Business District is to provide areas for general business, commercial activities, and a limited number of residential uses.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Permitted uses for the Business District are limited to the following:
      (1)   Residences.
         (a)   Dwelling units within business buildings;
         (b)   Mobile home parks;
         (c)   Multi-family dwellings; and
         (d)   Single-family residences.
      (2)   Lodging.
         (a)   Bed and breakfast inns;
         (b)   Boarding and rooming houses;
         (c)   Hotels;
         (d)   Motels; and
         (e)   Recreational vehicle parks.
      (3)   Community facilities.
         (a)   Bus pickup shelters;
         (b)   Colleges, vocational/technical trade schools;
         (c)   Day care centers;
         (d)   Day care facilities;
         (e)   Historic sites and monuments;
         (f)   Hospitals;
         (g)   Medical clinics;
         (h)   Non-motorized transportation/recreation pathways;
         (i)   Nursing homes/sanitariums;
         (j)   Open space;
         (k)   Professional offices;
         (l)   Public service and public utility facilities;
         (m)   Recreational uses (indoor and outdoor);
         (n)   Schools; and
         (o)   Swimming pools.
      (4)   Businesses.
         (a)   Automobile sales;
         (b)   Building maintenance firms;
         (c)   Catering services;
         (d)   Commercial facilities catering to mobile home or RV parks;
         (e)   Construction and building supply sales;
         (f)   Convenience stores;
         (g)   Electrical and plumbing contractors;
         (h)   Entertainment and recreational uses;
         (i)   Home occupations;
         (j)   Light manufacturing;
         (k)   Mercantile (wholesale and retail);
         (l)   Mini storage;
         (m)   Nurseries and garden centers;
         (n)   Pharmacies and medical supply stores;
         (o)   Photographic processing laboratories;
         (p)   Printing and publishing establishments;
         (q)   Research and development;
         (r)   Restaurants;
         (s)   Service stations;
         (t)   Telecommunication broadcasting studios;
         (u)   Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals; and
         (v)   Wholesale distributors.
   (C)   Conditional uses. Conditional uses for the Business District are limited to the following:
      (1)   Community facilities.
         (a)   Churches;
         (b)   Day care homes;
         (c)   Onsite day care for children of employees only; and
         (d)   Parks, playgrounds, and golf courses.
      (2)   Businesses.
         (a)   Agricultural purposes;
         (b)   Automobile body and fender operations;
         (c)   Commercial facilities incidental to golf courses;
         (d)   Hybrid production facilities;
         (e)   Parking lots and parking garages not with permitted use;
         (f)   Sales, rental, and servicing of trailers, farm implements; and
         (g)   Warehouse and storage facilities.
   (D)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses for the Business District are limited to the following:
      (1)   Detached garages; and
      (2)   Storage buildings.
   (E)   Bulk requirements.
      (1)   Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet.
      (2)   Minimum lot width: 50 feet.
      (3)   Maximum building height: 35 feet.
      (4)   Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet.
      (5)   Minimum side and rear yard setback: one foot for every three feet or fraction thereof of building height no side or rear yard shall be less than ten feet.
   (F)   Additional regulations.
      (1)   Project features that may have a negative impact upon adjacent property shall be buffered from said property.
      (2)   Mobile home parks shall be no less than one-half acre in size and shall comply with the following:
         (a)   Minimum park width: 75 feet.
         (b)   Minimum front yard setback: 25 feet.
         (c)   Minimum side and rear yard setbacks: ten feet.
         (d)   Maximum building height: 35 feet.
         (e)   The following shall be provided for all mobile home parks according to plans approved by the Planning Commission:
            1.   Water and sewer systems;
            2.   Twenty-four-foot wide paved and lighted driveways;
            3.   Four-foot wide paved and lighted walkways;
            4.   Usable open space at a minimum of 25% of the total lot area excluding paved areas.
            5.   Sanitary service building connection to city sewer and water system and a method for refuse disposal.
            6.    Each manufactured home space shall have a minimum area of 1,800 square feet and a minimum width of 30 feet.
            7.   A minimum of ten feet of clear path shall be provided between manufactured homes.
(Ord. 56, passed 11-1-1999)