Intersections shall conform to the following.
   (A)   Angle of intersection. Streets shall intersect at 90 degrees or as closely thereto as possible, and in no case shall streets intersect at less than 80 degrees.
   (B)   Sight triangles. Minimum clear sight distance at all minor street intersections shall permit vehicles to be visible to the driver of another vehicle when each is 80 feet from the center of the intersection.
   (C)   Number of streets. No more than two streets shall cross at any one intersection.
   (D)   “T” intersections. “T” intersections may be used wherever such design will not restrict the free movement of traffic.
   (E)   Centerline offsets. Street centerlines shall be offset by a distance of at least 125 feet.
   (F)   Vertical alignment of intersection. A nearly flat grade with appropriate drainage slopes is desirable within intersections. This flat section shall be extended a minimum of 100 feet each way from the intersection. An allowance of 2% maximum intersection grade in rolling terrain, and 4% in hilly terrain will be permitted.
(Ord. 2006-01, passed - -2006)