(A)   Street right-of-way widths. Street and road right-of-way widths shall conform to the adopted major street plan or comprehensive development plan and the rules of the State Department of Highways and the Highway District or Department having jurisdiction.
      (1)   Highway and street types and widths.
         (a)   Minor arterial: 80 feet;
         (b)   Collector street: 60 feet; and
         (c)   Minor street: 50 feet.
   (B)   Street grades. Street grades shall not exceed 9% on either minor or collector streets, and 5% for arterial streets. No street grade shall be less than three-tenths of a foot per 100 feet.
   (C)   Street alignment. Shall be as follows:
      (1)   Horizontal alignment. When street lines deflect from each other by more than 10° in alignment, the centerlines shall be connected by a curve having a minimum radius of 500 feet for arterial streets, 300 feet for collector streets, and 150 feet for minor streets. Between reverse curves on minor streets there shall be a minimum tangent distance of 100 feet and 200 feet on collector and arterial streets respectively; and
      (2)   Vertical alignment. Minimum sight distances shall be 200 feet for minor streets and 300 feet for collector and arterial streets.
(Ord. 2006-01, passed - -2006)