A.   Permit Requirement: No person shall install, construct, extend, or alter a driveway culvert within a public way located within the corporate limits of the Village, unless such person, shall have first obtained a duly issued and authorized permit issued by the Village, authorizing such culvert, as provided for herein (hereinafter referred to as the "culvert permit").
B.   Other Requirements: The standards, procedures, and approvals required by this chapter are minimum standards of the Village. Any culvert located on a township, county, State, or Federal highway may be subject to additional standards, procedures, and approvals of other governmental bodies. Where more than one governmental body has authority or jurisdiction over the placement of a driveway access or culvert, the driveway access and/or culvert shall comply with the most restrictive requirements. A permit authorized under this chapter only constitutes approval under this chapter. The applicant for a culvert permit is solely responsible for obtaining any other required approvals.
C.   Application: An application for a culvert permit shall be submitted in such form as the Village may prescribe, from time to time. Such application shall be in writing upon forms prepared and furnished by the Village. Each application for a culvert permit shall be signed by the applicant and shall be filed with the Village Clerk. In case the applicant is a partnership, all partners must sign the application. In case the applicant is a limited partnership, all general partners and any limited partner owning more than a five percent (5%) interest in such limited partnership must sign the application. In case the applicant is a corporation, all officers, directors and any stockholders owning more than five percent (5%) of the stock of such corporation must sign the application and indicate their official position. In case the applicant is a limited liability company, all members owning more than five percent (5%) of the interest of such company must sign the application and indicate their official position. In case the applicant is a club or association, all officers and directors shall sign the application. Such application shall contain, at a minimum, the following:
   1.   Full names and addresses of the applicant and/or the owner of the subject property;
   2.   Drawing, drawn to scale, showing the proposed location, placement, dimensions, size and type of access and culvert, building setback lines, and utilities, if applicable, as the foreman may require;
   3.   The application shall also include a legal description of the subject property;
   4.   Any additional information and/or documentation as may be required by the foreman, to determine compliance with all applicable ordinances, laws, rules and regulations of the Village.
D.   Application Fee: To partially defray expenses of administering this chapter, a non-refundable fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be charged for each culvert permit application filed, and shall be paid by the applicant to the Village Clerk upon filing the culvert permit application.
E.   Application Review: Completed culvert permit applications, containing all required information and/or documentation, shall be examined by the foreman, within thirty (30) calendar days after filing. If the application does not conform to the requirements of all applicable ordinances, laws, rules and regulations of the Village, the foreman shall reject such application in writing, stating the reasons therefor. Furthermore, if the foreman requests additional information and/or documentation as part of the permit application, and the applicant fails to provide said information and/or documentation in a timely manner, said permit application shall be rejected and said applicant shall be required to resubmit a new application for a culvert permit. If the foreman is satisfied the proposed work conforms to the requirements of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances, laws, rules and regulations, the Village Clerk shall issue a culvert permit therefor. In all instances, it shall be the duty of the applicant to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the foreman, in his/her sole discretion, that the work proposed under the application shall be in full compliance with the requirements of this chapter, as well as all other applicable ordinances, laws, rules and regulations of the Village. (Ord. 909-2018, 8-6-2018)