(A)   (1)   Financial institution transactions, including signing checks, on behalf of the Village of Diamond, Illinois, shall require the signature of 2 different representatives of the village. One signature shall consist of a representative of the village from group “A” as defined herein. The other signature shall consist of a representative of the village from group “B” as defined herein. Upon obtaining a bona fide direction, or check, signed by a representative from Group A and countersigned by a representative from Group B, any financial institution dealing with the village shall be empowered to make the transaction. However, nothing contained in this section shall be construed to allow any representative of the village to make any illegal, improper, or unauthorized transaction.
      (2)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         GROUP A. Any person duly elected as the Mayor or any Commissioner of the Village of Diamond, Illinois, and currently in office at the time of the transaction.
         GROUP B. Any person duly elected or appointed as the Mayor, the Village Clerk, the Village Treasurer, or any Commissioner of the Village of Diamond, Illinois, and currently in office at the time of the transaction.
   (B)   The Village Clerk shall certify to the financial institutions holding village funds the names of persons with authority to make transactions on behalf of the village, and shall update the certification from time to time as required whenever any representative of the village is no longer in office, or when a new representative takes office.
(Ord. 2003-03, passed 4-8-2003)