(A)   Code adopted. There is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set forth herein, that certain Building Code known as the Illinois Plumbing Code, current edition (as published by the Illinois Department of Public Health) and as thereafter amended and on file with the Village Clerk, as the existing Plumbing Code for the Village.
      (1)   Village of Diamond Amendments to the Illinois State Plumbing code are as follows:
         Section 890 Appendix A, Materials for Water Service Pipe, Delete: Number 4, (CPVC Pipe)
   (B)   Copies on file. At least one copy of the Illinois Plumbing Code, current edition (as published by the Illinois Department of Public Health) has been on file in the Village Hall for more than 30 days prior to the adoption hereof and is now on file. The Building Official shall keep on file in his or her office at least one copy of the Illinois Plumbing Code, current edition (as published by the Illinois Department of Public Health), which shall be available for inspection.
   (C)   Special provisions. The following words, provisions, and paragraphs are to be added to the following designated sections of the Illinois Plumbing Code, current edition (as published by the Illinois Department of Public Health). These provisions supersede the requirements of the indicated provisions of such code.
      “Administrative Authority” as used in this section means the Building Official of the Village of Diamond.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 1-23-2018)