(A)   Code adopted. There is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set forth herein, that certain Building Code known as the International Energy Conservation Code - 2015, and as thereafter amended and on file with the Village Clerk, as the Energy Conservation Code for the Village.
   (B)   Minimum requirements. The International Energy Conservation Code - 2015 shall be the minimum requirements for commercial buildings, applying to the construction of, renovations to, and additions to all commercial buildings, and the minimum requirements for residential buildings, applying to the construction of, renovation to and additions to all residential buildings.
   (C)   Copies on file. At least one copy of the International Energy Conservation Code - 2015 has been on file in the Village Hall for more than 30 days prior to the adoption hereof and is now on file. The Building Official shall keep on file in his or her office at least one copy of the International Energy Conservation Code - 2015, which shall be available for inspection.
   (D)   Special provisions. The following words, provisions, and paragraphs are to be added to the following designated sections of the International Energy Conservation Code - 2015. These provisions supersede the requirements of the indicated provisions of such code.
      C101.1 Title: Insert Village of Diamond.
      C107.3 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance: Shall be added as follows:
         Persons who commence or complete work without obtaining the required building permit, in addition to any other fines or penalties, shall be required to pay a penalty prior to issuance of the building permit. The penalty for commencing or completing work without obtaining the required building permit shall be the cost of the standard building permit fee, with a maximum penalty as set forth in Section 10.99 of the Village Code.
      C107.5 Refunds: Shall be deleted in its entirety.
      C108.1 Authority: Shall read as follows:
         Whenever the Building Official finds any work regulated by the International Energy Conservation Code or amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code as herein provided dangerous or unsafe, the Building Official is authorized to issue a stop work order.
      C108.3 Emergencies: Shall read as follows:
         Where an emergency exists, the Building Official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work.
      C108.4 Failure To Comply: Shall read as follows:
         Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be punished as prescribed by law and as provided in Section 10.99 of the Village Code.
      C109 Board Of Appeals: Shall read as follows:
         That any person, firm or corporation shall have the right to appeal a decision of the Building Official to the Village Planning and Zoning Commission. Means of appeal shall follow requirements set forth in Section 14.06, Appeals of Administration Decisions, of the Village Zoning Code.
      R101.1 Title: Insert Village of Diamond.
      R107.3 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance: Shall be added as follows:
         Persons who commence or complete work without obtaining the required building permit, in addition to any other fines or penalties, shall be required to pay a penalty prior to issuance of the building permit. The penalty for commencing or completing work without obtaining the required building permit shall be the cost of the standard building permit fee, with a maximum penalty as set forth in Section 10.99 of the Village Code.
      R107.5 Refunds: Shall be deleted in its entirety.
      R108.1 Authority: Shall read as follows:
         Whenever the Building Official finds any work regulated by the International Energy Conservation Code or amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code as herein provided dangerous or unsafe, the Building Official is authorized to issue a stop work order.
      R108.3 Emergencies: Shall read as follows:
         Where an emergency exists, the Building Official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work.
      R108.4 Failure To Comply: Shall read as follows:
         Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be punished as prescribed by law and as provided in Section 10.99 of the Village Code.
      R109 Board Of Appeals: Shall read as follows:
         That any person, firm or corporation shall have the right to appeal a decision of the Building Official to the Village Planning and Zoning Commission, Means of appeal shall follow requirements set forth in Section 14.06, Appeals of Administration Decisions, of the Village Zoning Code.
   (E)   Noncompliance.
      C503.1 General, Exception and R503.1.1 Building Envelope, Exception: Shall be added as follows:
         8.   Glass only replacements in an existing sash and frame.
         9.   Replacement of existing doors that separate conditioned space from the exterior shall not require the installation of a vestibule or revolving door, provided, however, that an existing vestibule that separates a conditioned space from the exterior shall not be removed.
         10.   Alterations that replace only the bulb and ballast within the existing luminaires in a space provided that the alteration does not increase the installed interior lighting power.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 1-23-2018)