(A) The applicant shall submit the information requested hereafter as part of the application. Terms used in this chapter and defined in the State Environmental Protection Act (ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5, §§ 1 et seq.) and/or the state’s solid waste regulations (35 I.A.C. part 810) shall have the same definitions and meanings found in the Act or regulations.
(B) The format of this part of the application shall be as follows.
(1) This part of the application shall be divided into nine sections corresponding to the nine siting criteria in § 39.2 of the Act. These nine sections shall be clearly marked with dividers or other suitable means. The application shall also include appropriate design drawings, including a full size set of drawings and a reduced set of drawings no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches.
(2) A tenth section shall be included that provides documentation concerning the previous operating experience and past record of convictions or admissions of violations of the applicant (and any subsidiary or parent corporation of the applicant) in the field of solid waste management.
(C) Sections.
(1) Section One. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed facility is necessary to accommodate the waste needs of the area it is intended to serve. Section One shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) A definition of the intended service area for the proposed facility including a map of the service area boundaries;
(b) A calculation of the current amount of waste generated and disposed within the service area and an estimate of the amount of waste to be generated and disposed within the service area for the next 20 years;
(c) A calculation of the current amount of waste exported out of and imported into the service area;
(d) A calculation of the capacity of the proposed facility, the estimated daily volume of waste to be received, and the estimated duration of operation at the proposed facility, in years;
(e) A description of the type(s) of waste to be received;
(f) A calculation of the permitted capacity available within the service area; and
(g) A discussion of the sources and reliability of information contained in this section.
(2) Section Two. The applicant shall provide sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed facility is so designed, located and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. At a minimum this section of the application shall contain the following information in an order that logically addresses all concerns within this section. Section Two shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) A site location map(s) of the facility on a United States Geological Survey (USGS) seven and one-half minute series (topographic) quadrangle map, or similar type regional topographical map. The site location map(s) should clearly show the facility boundary and a minimum two-mile radius, at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 2,000 feet. If the application is for a landfill facility, then the site location map(s) shall graphically show at a minimum the following information contained within the two-mile radius of the facility:
1. Any aircraft runways;
2. The 100-year floodplain limits based on the most recent FEMA map or floodplain elevation as determined by FEMA or other appropriate state authority;
3. The nearest water supply well setback zone defined by §§ 14.2 and 14.3 of the Act, being ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5; and
4. The nearest occupied dwelling, school or hospital.
(b) A topographic map(s) of the proposed facility and adjacent areas (minimum 50 feet around the facility unless documentation is provided detailing all adjacent land uses). The topographic map(s) should contain a topographic map of the site at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 200 feet, with a minimum two-foot contour interval, except in areas with steep topography (steeper than two horizontal to one vertical) or that is otherwise obscured from aerial photography and will not significantly impact the design or review of the application. The topographic map should clearly identify the data of the topographic map and the facility boundary. The topographic map at a minimum should also include the following:
1. Existing utilities;
2. Existing tree lines;
3. Standing water limits;
4. Existing fences;
5. Existing buildings;
6. Existing roads, entrances and driveways; and
7. Existing structures.
(c) A legal description and plat of survey for the facility boundary. If the facility is a landfill then the application should also provide a legal description and plat of survey for the waste boundary. The legal descriptions shall be prepared and certified by a state registered land surveyor;
(d) Documentation verifying that the proposed site is not in violation of any applicable location standard or restriction specified by all applicable federal, state and local regulations and guidelines;
(e) A summary of the climatological data available for the area. The data shall include monthly information (high, low and averages) for precipitation, temperature and wind;
(f) A narrative summary including drawings and figures of the regional hydrogeologic conditions for the area. If the application is for a landfill facility, then the regional hydrogeologic investigation shall include the following information at a minimum:
1. The regional hydrogeologic investigation should be established by reviewing statewide and regional reports and maps available from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the State Geological Survey (ISGS), the State Water Survey (ISWS), the State Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and other available sources;
2. The available water well logs obtained from the ISGS, ISWS and county along with the likely existence of additional water supply wells based on field surveys within two miles of the facility shall be provided along with a location map and summary table of the known locations, installation dates and elevations of the water wells;
3. A discussion of the regional sources of ground water typically used in the area including a general characterization of the ground water quality based on regional publications;
4. Additional information such as boring logs, monitoring well as-built diagrams, and hydrogeologic data collected for other facilities in the area can also be used to summarize the regional hydrogeologic characterization;
5. A summary of the regional bedrock stratigraphy including the approximate name, age, type, depths and thicknesses of the bedrock units based on regional publications. The applicant should also describe any regional structural features near the site;
6. A summary of the seismic conditions and location of any known unstable areas; and
7. A summary of the unconsolidated deposits near the site including a general description of the individual formations and general characteristics, including material, type, thickness and lateral extent.
(g) If the application is for a landfill then an initial site-specific investigation should be performed to characterize the general geologic and hydrogeologic character of the site in relation to regional publications. At a minimum, the initial site-specific investigation shall include:
1. A complete copy of all available field borings performed at the site. All new investigation borings shall be continuously sampled by a geologist or engineer with experience in soil classification;
2. The site investigation should place a minimum of one boring near the center of the site and near each of the corners of the site. Where the site is irregularly shaped, the borings shall be located near the boundary in a pattern and spacing necessary to obtain data over the entire study area. The borings should be deep enough to characterize the uppermost aquifer at the site;
3. Monitoring wells and/or piezometers shall be located to sufficiently identify the hydrogeologic conditions at the site based on the regional investigation and field observations. All monitoring wells and piezometers shall be properly sealed, labeled and locked. Well and piezometer construction documentation shall be provided to the County Health Department or appropriate agencies;
4. Any boring or well not to be used at the site shall be properly abandoned with a copy of the well abandonment forms submitted to the County Health Department or appropriate agencies; and
5. Other methods may be utilized to confirm or accumulate additional information. The methods may be used only as a supplement to, not in lieu of site-specific boring information. Other methods may include, but are not limited to, geophysical well logs, geophysical surveys, aerial photography, age dating and test pits.
(h) If the application is for a landfill then the application shall provide a report summarizing the site-specific information. This report shall also include at a minimum the following information:
1. A narrative description of all drilling and field procedures;
2. Location of all borings, monitoring wells and piezometers at the site;
3. All boring logs and as-built diagrams for all monitoring wells and piezometers, along with all construction documentation and abandonment forms;
4. Laboratory and/or field testing data, including, but not necessarily limited to, strength, moisture content, grain size analysis, Atterberg limits and hydraulic conductivity;
5. A narrative description of each geologic unit encountered within the study area;
6. A narrative description characterizing the hydrogeological conditions within the project site;
7. Drawings identifying the elevation of the top of the uppermost aquifer and other pertinent geologic units;
8. Drawings showing the thickness of all pertinent geologic units;
9. A description of all water-bearing strata and ground water conditions, including potentiometric map(s), ground water flow velocities and directions, and identification of the uppermost aquifer. Seasonal variations should be discussed in the application based on regional information and field observations when seasonal ground water data is not available; and
10. Geological cross-sections of the project site showing all water-bearing strata, water elevations, and all geologic units encountered during the investigation.
(i) A design report describes the physical attributes of the proposed facility. The report shall contain narratives, calculations, drawings, figures and other material necessary to provide an accurate depiction of the facility;
(j) A site plan map with a scale no smaller than one inch equals 200 feet that shows the location of all pertinent design components at the facility;
(k) If the application is for a landfill facility, then design drawings necessary to adequately describe the components and systems of the facility during construction, operation and closure shall be provided. At a minimum, the following information should be provided with the drawings:
1. All entrance locations and facility access restrictions;
2. The ancillary facility locations (scale, scalehouse, office building, maintenance area, parking areas and the like);
3. The proposed mass excavation grades (or bottom of landfill) for general construction purposes;
4. The conceptual phasing of construction;
5. The location of the leachate collection system and collection points;
6. The final grading plan;
7. The typical liner system detail;
8. The typical final cover system detail; and
9. Typical cross-sections of the landfill.
(l) If the application is for a landfill facility, then a narrative description shall be provided which describes the following design components at a minimum:
1. Liner system requirements;
2. Leachate collection system and management plan for storage and disposal;
3. Final cover system; and
4. Landfill gas monitoring system and conceptual management system.
(m) Storm water management system to characterize the existing storm water flow conditions and how development of the facility will alter and protect storm water flows. If the application is for a landfill facility then calculations including, but not limited necessarily to, the following shall be provided:
1. Estimated runoff from disturbed areas resulting from the 25-year, 24-hour precipitation event which will be discharged to waters of the state;
2. Estimated runoff from the completed, closed facility resulting from the 25-year, 24-hour precipitation event which will be discharged to waters of the state; and
3. The general locations and capacities of all ditches, detention basins and all other necessary storm water control structures.
(n) Sediment and erosion control structures used during construction and operations of the facility shall be described in the application;
(o) A construction quality assurance plan that ensures the facility will be constructed in accordance with its permitted developmental plans. This plan shall define the duties of a construction quality assurance officer, describe all sampling and testing procedures and define acceptance criteria;
(p) An operating plan that describes the operations at the facility during all phases of operation at the proposed site. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, personnel requirements, personnel training, equipment requirements, construction phasing, waste handling, monitoring requirements, hours of operation, equipment operation, storm water control, odor control, dust control, litter control, noise control, vector control, systems maintenance and equipment maintenance;
(q) Any routine monitoring to be performed at the facility shall be identified and described. If the application is for a landfill facility, then a preliminary ground water monitoring plan shall be developed to identify the location and phasing of the ground water monitoring program. The procedures to install, develop, sample and analyze the ground water monitoring wells shall be specified; and
(r) A closure/post-closure care plan narrative that describes the plans that will be developed to close the proposed facility and provide post-closure care. The applicant shall also provide sufficient information proving that financial assurance is available for the proposed facility.
(3) Section Three. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed facility is located so as to minimize incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area and to minimize the effect on the value of the surrounding property. The applicant shall divide this section of the application into two subsections: land use subsection and property value subsection.
(a) Land use subsection. A land use assessment study shall be performed by a qualified individual who will consider the proposed facility and its compatibility with the surrounding land uses. The subsection shall include the qualifications of the individual and company that completed the study. The study shall include, but not be limited to:
1. An exhibit showing the land uses within a two-mile radius of the proposed facility;
2. Typical photographic views of the proposed site within a reasonable distance from the proposed facility;
3. A description of the landscape plan to be implemented at the proposed facility to minimize incompatibility with the surrounding area during the operating life of the facility;
4. A description of the proposed use of the site after the facility is closed; and
5. A description of the history of the development of the site and the surrounding area and the proposed facility’s impact on those trends.
(b) Property value subsection. A property value impact study shall be performed by a qualified individual to determine the effects on property values in the surrounding areas. The subsection shall include the qualifications of the individual and company that completed the study. The study shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Information regarding the existing property values within a distance sufficient to draw conclusions, as determined by the study. The information should be based upon a survey of property values based on transactions occurring within the past five years. Where transaction data is unavailable, tax assessments shall be used; provided, they are adjusted to account for local differences between market values and assessed values;
2. An analysis of the proposed facility’s impact on property values within the distance(s) identified above; and
3. A description and analysis of factors relating to the proposed site that may impact property values in the area along with a description of the design features and operating procedures that will be used to minimize the impact on property values.
(4) Section Four. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that for a facility other than a sanitary landfill or waste disposal site, the facility is located outside the boundary of the 100-year floodplain, or the site is floodproofed; for a facility that is a sanitary landfill or waste disposal site, the facility is located outside the boundary of the 100-year floodplain, or if the facility is a facility described in subsection (b) of § 22.19a of the State Environmental Protection Act (ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5, § 22.19a), the site is floodproofed. Section Four shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) A map showing the proximity of the 100-year floodplain limits to the proposed facility, based on the most recent Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) map or floodplain elevation as determined by FEMA or other appropriate state authority; and
(b) For a facility other than a landfill or waste disposal site or a facility described in subsection (b) of § 22.19a of the State Environmental Protection Act, being ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5, if the site is located in the 100-year floodplain, design drawings and calculations prepared by a professional engineer registered in the state shall be required as evidence that the site is floodproofed.
(5) Section Five. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed plan of operations for the facility is designed to minimize the danger to the surrounding area from fire, spills or other accidents. Section Five shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) A fire protection plan that includes, but is not limited to, maintaining a supply of water on-site, fire protection training, fire extinguisher locations and radio or telephone access to the nearest fire department;
(b) A load checking program for detecting and discouraging the disposal of hazardous waste in non-hazardous waste facilities; and
(c) An Accident Prevention Plan designed to prevent spills and other accidents that may occur on the site. The Plan shall include, but is not limited to, providing emergency response instructions, spill prevention and clean-up methods and worker safety instructional plans.
(6) Section Six. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed traffic patterns to or from the facility are so designed as to minimize the impact on existing traffic flows. Section Six shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) A traffic impact study performed by an experienced traffic engineer who is registered as a professional engineer in the state; and
(b) The study shall include, but is not limited to:
1. A statement of the qualifications of the individual and company that completed the study;
2. A map or table indicating the roads and highways that will be utilized in proximity to the proposed facility, along with their respective classifications;
3. Recent volume counts taken for the roads and highways indicated in division (C)(6)(b)2. above;
4. A discussion of known accidents within the past three years that may indicate problem intersections or roads in proximity to the proposed facility;
5. A calculation of average and peak traffic flows that will be generated by the proposed site; and
6. A map showing the location of ingress and egress to the proposed site. The map shall also indicate the queuing area for vehicles.
(7) Section Seven. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that if the proposed facility will be treating, storing or disposing of hazardous waste, an emergency response plan exists for the facility which includes notification, containment and evacuation procedures to be used in case of an accidental release. Section Seven shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) For a non-hazardous waste facility, certification that hazardous waste will not be treated, stored or disposed on site; or
(b) An emergency response plan for the site which shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Provision for the notification of appropriate agencies and personnel in the event of a release or substantial threat of a release;
2. Containment and removal procedures; and
3. Evacuation procedures for the facility and the surrounding area.
(8) Section Eight. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed facility is consistent with the solid waste management plan and any amendments adopted by the County Board under the Local Solid Waste Disposal Act (ILCS Ch. 415, Act 10, §§ 1 et seq.) or the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act (ILCS Ch. 415, Act 15, §§ 1 et seq.). Section Eight shall include, but is not limited to, the following: evidence from the solid waste management plan, as amended, that the facility is consistent with that plan.
(9) Section Nine. The application shall contain sufficient detail to demonstrate that if the proposed facility will be located within a regulated recharge area, all applicable requirements specified by the State Pollution Control Board for the areas have been met. Section Nine shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) Evidence and documentation that the facility will not be located in a regulated recharge area; or
(b) Evidence and documentation that any requirements specified by the State Pollution Control Board have been met.
(10) Section Ten. The County Board may also consider as evidence the previous operating experience and past record of convictions or admissions of violations of the applicant (and any subsidiary or parent corporation) in the field of solid waste management when considering criteria (ii) and (v) under § 39.2 of the State Environmental Protection Act, being ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5. Section Ten shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) The name, address and phone number of the applicant, and the name, address and phone number of the operator, if different from the applicant;
(b) If the applicant is a corporation, a copy of the articles of incorporation, or if the applicant is a sole proprietorship or partnership, names, addresses and phone numbers of all individuals holding an interest;
(c) A copy of all insurance policies the applicant and operator carry or will carry for the proposed facility, or a discussion of the types and limits of insurance that is anticipated to be obtained for the proposed facility;
(d) A listing of solid waste management facilities owned and/or operated by the applicant (and any subsidiary or parent corporation);
(e) Documentation regarding the previous operating experience and past record of convictions or admissions of violations of the applicant (and any subsidiary or parent corporation) in the field of solid waste management for facilities located in the state during the past five years;
(f) A clear listing of the following information:
1. All convictions or admissions of violations, either criminal or civil, of any foreign, federal, state or local environmental regulation or statute of:
a. The applicant;
b. Any subsidiary corporation of the applicant; and
c. Any parent corporation of the applicant in the field of solid waste management for facilities located in the state during the past five years.
2. A description of solid waste management program operated at the facility which involved the conviction(s) or admission(s) of violation(s);
3. Enforcement action, if any, taken by the government entity involved; and
4. Remedial action taken at site, if any, including cost thereof.
(g) Information as to whether the applicant or operator has ever closed a pollution control facility voluntarily or involuntarily, and the location of the facility and the date on which the process of closing started and the date on which it was completed.
(D) Additional information. Additional information may be included as an appendix to the application if the applicant feels this information is helpful and/or necessary.
(E) Signatures. Signatures, affirming that the information contained in the application is true and complete, shall be included in the application for the following individuals: a duly authorized representative of the applicant, the proposed operator (if different than the applicant), and all the technical and non-technical individuals who supplied data contained in the application. All individuals licensed in their profession (e.g., engineers, land surveyors, geologists) shall include their license or professional registration number.
(Prior Code, § 153.04) (Res. passed 3-16-1989; Res. passed 10-14-1999)