Ground mount and roof mount (SES) shall be permitted for private use in all zoning districts where there is a structure. The system shall not be designed for providing energy to off-site uses or export to the wholesale market. Net metering will be allowed if approved by the electric utility in whose service territory the system is located. A building permit shall be required for ground mount only. Technical requirements are:
   (A)   Height.
      (1)   The combined height of the building and the roof mounted solar system shall not exceed the maximum allowed height for principal structures in any zoning district.
      (2)   Ground mounted solar energy systems shall not exceed ten feet in height when oriented at maximum tilt.
      (3)   Ground mounted solar energy systems may not be placed in the front yard.
   (B)   Setbacks.
      (1)   Ground mounted solar energy systems shall meet the accessory structure setbacks for the zoning district in which the unit is located.
      (2)   Ground mounted solar energy systems shall not extend beyond the side yard or rear yard setback when oriented at minimum design tilt.
      (3)   In addition to building setbacks the collector surface and mounting devices for roof mounted systems shall not extend beyond the exterior perimeter of the building on which the systems is mounted or built, unless the collector or mounting system has been engineered to safely extend beyond the edge, and setback requirements are not violated. Exterior piping for solar hot water systems shall be allowed to extend beyond the perimeter of the building on a side yard exposure,
   (C)   Reflection angles. Reflection angles for solar collectors shall be oriented such that they do not project glare onto adjacent properties.
   (D)   Visibility. Solar energy systems shall be located in a manner to reasonably minimize view blockage for surrounding properties and shading of property to the North while still providing adequate solar access for collectors.
   (E)   Safety.
      (1)   All solar energy systems shall be installed by a qualified solar installer.
      (2)   Any connection to the public utility grid shall be inspected and approved by the appropriate public utility.
      (3)   All solar energy systems shall be maintained and kept in good working order. If it is determined by the Zoning Administrator that a solar energy system is not being maintained, kept in good working order, or is no longer being utilized to perform its intended function for six consecutive months, the property owner shall be given 30 day notice for removal of unit and all equipment. If the solar energy system is not removed within 30 days, the Zoning Administrator will forward violation onto the DeWitt County State's Attorney for prosecution on the violation.
   (F)   Approved solar components. Electric Solar energy system components shall have a UL listing or approved equivalent and solar hot water systems shall have a Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC) rating.
(Res. 2019-01, passed 3-21-2019; Ord. passed 4-21-2022; Res. 23-10, passed 5-18-2023; Ord. passed 11-28-2023)