(A)   The benefit study shall contain a map establishing the boundaries of the area benefited by the improvements for which repayment is sought and shall indicate the amount of charges for the public improvements each parcel shall have to contribute to the cost of those improvements. The benefit study shall contain:
      (1)   A description of the public improvements.
      (2)   A general description of the estimated total cost and a methodology allocating the total cost to the benefitted parcels and property, such as cost per frontage foot, cost per acre, or cost per equivalent dwelling unit of the proposed public improvement.
      (3)   A description of the public improvement project area and a map and list of all owners of real property who will be receiving a special benefit from the construction of the public improvement.
      (4)   A determination of that portion of the public improvement which is for general public benefit, if any, and that portion which is for special benefit of the owner.
      (5)   A preliminary estimate of the portion of the public improvement which will be financed with bonds, if any, by the developer or owner and with repayments for the public improvements from owners or developers of benefitted parcels or property.
   (B)   Those owners of real property within the area subject to repayment for public improvements shall receive notice in writing of the proposed charges for public improvements.
(Ord. 05-12, passed 7-12-2005)