(A)   Purpose and process.
      (1)   The purpose of the sketch plan is to determine the feasibility of the proposed development and the capacity of the land to support such development.
      (2)   To avoid unnecessary and costly revisions, the subdivider shall as specified by these regulations submit a sketch plan of the proposed development after a pre-application meeting with Community Development Department staff. The sketch plan shall be circulated to and reviewed by town and related reviewing agencies to discover development opportunities or apparent constraints prior to accepting a subdivision plat submittal.
      (3)   A sketch plan submittal is a precursor to any plat submittal in order to consider the following circumstances:
         (a)   Development adjoins different existing zoning classification(s).
         (b)   Project development is to occur in multiple phases.
         (c)   Difficult development constraints exist such as:
            1.   Topography.
            2.   Limited or difficult access.
            3.   Limited existing or available utilities.
            4.   Within FEMA Floodplain or encumbered by numerous washes or arroyos exhibiting unique drainage constraints.
            5.   Water availability and sewerage disposal opportunities are limited or constrained
         (d)   The development is part of a Planned Area Developments (PAD).
   (B)   Sketch plan contents.
      (1)   Vicinity map.
      (2)   Name of development and “sketch plan.”
      (3)   Location by section, township and range.
      (4)   Reference by approximate dimension and bearing to section corners and quarter-section corners.
      (5)   Boundaries of development clearly identified and dimensioned.
      (6)   North arrow.
      (7)   Scales (both graphic and equivalent inch to feet) using standard engineering intervals. Not to exceed one inch feet 200 feet, prefer one inch equals 100 feet. Sheet size no smaller than 24 inches x 36 inches; no larger than 42 inches x 42 inches.
      (8)   Date of preparation plus date of any amendments since original submittal.
      (9)   Names, addresses, phone numbers and notation of relationship to development for landowners, subdivider/development agents, engineers, surveyors, land planners, landscape architects, architects, hydrologists or others responsible for design (include registration numbers).
      (10)   Topography by contours relating to U.S.G.S. survey datum including benchmark used. Base information must be sufficient in order to review. Topography shall be depicted 300 feet beyond project boundary.
      (11)   Proposed land uses and densities by area as well as ownership patterns, land uses and zoning within surrounding 300 feet.
      (12)   Proposed vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian and equestrian traffic circulation plan (access, continuity, secondary emergency access, and the like) including:
         (a)   Overall area showing existing and proposed roads and their classification (arterial, collector, residential street} within 300 feet of project boundaries. A greater distance where needed to depict relationship to development may be necessary and may be shown on an additional map with a scale not to exceed one inch equals 2,000 feet.
         (b)   Identify legal primary and secondary access opportunities, as well as existing or proposed street right-of-way widths.
         (c)   In narrative form, identify general traffic Impacts to adjacent property and existing roads, as well as high traffic generation points on site.
         (d)   Identify existing or proposed trail networks and open space connections affected by or intended to be implemented as part of future subdivision design. (NOTE: The plan may be graphic and/or narrative.)
      (13)   Drainage concept plan. Illustrate graphically and discuss in narrative form the proposed methods of handling storm drainage and floodplains that affect property:
         (a)   Depict general pre- and post- development drainage patterns and flow direction(s).
         (b)   Identify potential detention facilities, where necessary.
      (14)   Identify in chart or note form on the sketch plan the following:
         (a)   Total acreage, acreage for each use and each phase.
         (b)   Number units/lots for each type of use and phase.
         (c)   Average area per lot/unit proposed.
         (d)   Percent open space, if any, exclusive of rights-of-way, roadways, building envelopes, and parking areas.
         (e)   Water source (if new source indicate potential well field and storage tank).
         (f)   Method of refuse removal.
         (g)   Sewer service provider and type, if available.
         (h)   Fire District.
         (i)   Proposed utilities available and provider.
         (j)   Identify unique site conditions, i.e., rock outcroppings, major drainage features, and the like.
      (15)   Requested variances and waivers or known deviations from design standards (§ 152.09); for minor subdivisions often or fewer lots, waivers may be requested, except for improved dust-controlled access and minimum drainage improvements. (NOTE: Unique site conditions or apparent development constraints may necessitate submittal of additional information as required.)
      (16)   Additional requirements.
         (a)   Appropriate number of presentation copies as determined by the department and one copy in digital form of the sketch plan shall be submitted to the department.
         (b)   If requested by the department, a map (at a minimum scale of one inch: ten feet for that portion of the lot within 30 feet of the building or structure) identifying the following, as applicable:
            1.   All trees over two inches outside bark diameter at four and one-half feet above the ground on the uphill side of the tree, indicating canopy size and species, and indicating those trees to be removed;
            2.   All natural topographic features such as watercourses, rock outcrops, native vegetation and trees;
            3.   A map identifying areas of existing manmade scarring and, if proposed, a restoration program.
         (c)   A Phase I drainage report in accordance with the requirements of the town drainage criteria shall be submitted as set forth herein in conjunction with a sketch plan. The purpose of a Phase I Drainage Report is to review at a conceptual level the feasibility and design characteristics of the proposed subdivision. The drainage study shall identify off-site contributing drainage areas on a seven and one-half feet U.S.G.S. Quad Map; analyze existing hydrology conditions and approximate developed hydrologic conditions to make decisions relative to detention; illustrate location of proposed drainage facilities to convey run-off through the site (no sizing of facilities needed); and provide text generally describing the drainage aspects of the site, methods for handling run-off, hydroiogical methods, and floodplains that affect the property.
         (d)   Citizen participation. Every applicant who is proposing a subdivision of 60 acres (or greater) or 40 lots (or more) shall include a citizen participation plan. The plan will not be required to commence until 30 days before a legally-required public hearing, if any.
         (e)   Title report. A preliminary title report or a policy of title insurance issued by a title insurance company within the preceding 30 working days to the owner of the land, covering the land within the subdivision and showing all record owners, liens, and encumbrances. The preliminary title report shall contain Schedule "B" indicating the status of legal access to the proposed subdivision.
   (C)   Approval or denial of sketch plans submitted.
      (1)   The sketch plan shall be evaluated and discussed in a formal meeting between the applicant(s), reviewing agency representatives and department staff. Upon receipt of reviewing agency comments, the department shall compile agency comments and respond to the applicant or agent as the proposed project relates to the following:
         (a)   General plan or specific area plan(s).
         (b)   Suitability of the site for development, proposed/existing and potential development opportunities and constraints.
         (c)   The improvements, design and dedication required by town improvement standards.
         (d)   Zoning requirements.
         (e)   Drainage requirements.
      (2)   The department shall determine whether or not the sketch plan meets the purposes of these regulations and related town ordinances and design specifications and shall, where deemed necessary, make specific recommendations to be incorporated by the applicant into a revised sketch plan or appropriate subdivision plat submittal. No response from reviewing agencies within the prescribed review period shall be construed as having no objection to the continued processing of the application.
      (3)   At the discretion of the department and/or applicant, the sketch plan may be presented to the Planning Commission to clarify policies or to provide additional guidance. Such review shall be held at a regularly scheduled Commission meeting.
      (4)   If the department determines that the sketch plan submittal is not consistent with the general plan or specific area plan(s) and/or determines that the proposed development does not meet town improvement/design specifications, the department may deny the sketch plan application or request modifications to be incorporated into a revised sketch plan prior to authorizing an appropriate subdivision plat submittal.
   (D)   Appeal.
      (1)   If the project developer objects to a decision by the department to deny a sketch plan or any administrative review process or recommended modification to same, the decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission. Upon receipt of a written statement of objection, the matter shall be placed on the agenda for the next available Planning Commission meeting.
      (2)   If the developer objects to the recommendations, of the Planning Commission, the Commission's recommendation may be appealed to the Council.
(Ord. 09-51, passed 4-21-2009)