In order to retain the small town, rural identity of the town, new non-residential uses shall be designed to be compatible with existing historic structures; or shall be designed to be compatible with a selection of architectural themes described in this subchapter. It is not the intent or purpose of this subchapter to require the replication of any historic style or structure. Rather, the intent is to encourage building designs that are compatible with other buildings and which appeal to the small-town, country-living environment of the town. Emphasis is on architecture that relates to human scale and enhances inter-personal resident experiences and pedestrian access. The following list of styles and architectural themes are offered as appropriate examples, but creativity is strongly encouraged:
   (A)   Territorial Commercial (before 1912 statehood) and Early 20th Century Commercial Architectural Style (built +/- 1912 to +/- 1930);
   (B)   Mission Style;
   (C)   Craftsman/Bungalow Style; and
   (D)   Contemporary Southwestern/Western Ranch Theme.
(Ord. 08-46, passed 12-16-2008)