(A)   Accessory uses (including facilities and equipment) are permitted in conjunction with any principal use, provided same is compatible and common to the district in which it is located therewith and does not alter the character of the premises; any reference to a permitted use shall be deemed to include such accessory use.
   (B)   Accessory buildings may be attached to or detached from the principal building, except that no accessory building housing fowl or animals (other than domestic pets) may be attached to any dwelling unit, except that an accessory dwelling unit shall be detached, subject to the performance standards set forth in § 153.075.5.
   (C)   Amateur radio towers and antennas are permitted in all residential districts, with a use permit, provided:
      (1)   The structures shall not be located in the required front yard, or required street side yard, or in front of the front line of the dwelling or principal building;
      (2)   The structure shall in no case be located nearer than five feet to any side or rear property line;
      (3)   The structure does not exceed a height of 15 feet within a required side or rear yard;
      (4)   The structure does not exceed the maximum building height of the zoning district in which the structure is located;
      (5)   Not more than two such structures shall be erected per lot or parcel; and
      (6)   The tower and antenna shall be retractable.
   (D)   Accessory uses or structures are allowed prior to installation of the principal structure only when a construction permit is issued for the principal structure and construction of same is commenced within six months.
   (E)   Animal husbandry activities or projects, i.e., Future Farmers of America, 4-H, or any agricultural or large livestock activity/project conducted primarily for educational purposes or school credits, are permitted in any zoning district. The following criteria shall be met:
      (1)   Active membership must be maintained and verification of such may be required upon request.
      (2)   The keeping of all animals shall be subject to the regulations of the Yavapai County Environmental Unit and the Health Department.
      (3)   (a)   A sign designating a 4-H member is in residence must be posted on the property at all times any such project or activity is in progress.
         (b)   Under the 4-H exemption, the setback requirements and number of animals allowed per acre do not apply for animals utilized in 4-H projects, with the exception of equine and breeding projects.
   (F)   Allowed animal chart.
Allowed Animal Chart
Animals Allowed
Category A - Dairy cow, bison, steer/heifer, horse or other similar size/weight
2 per acre*
Category B - Ostrich, miniature horse, llama, alpaca, sheep, goat, emu or other of similar size/weight
5 per acre*
Category C - Turkeys, peacocks, geese, pheasants, ducks, pigeons, chinchillas, rabbits, chickens or other similar size/weight toward the total. After one year of age, animal off-spring count as adult animals
8 per acre*
*And proportionately greater for larger properties
(Ord. 08-44 § 501, passed 10-21-2008; Am. Ord. 15-110, passed 4-7-2015)