Those areas of the town subject to the provisions of this chapter are hereby divided into use districts that together with the general provisions (where applicable) control the uses and structures, and their manner of installation and operation in the various town areas.
(A) Prohibited uses.
(1) Any use or structure not specifically permitted by district provisions (or analogous to a permitted use or structure) shall be deemed prohibited and unlawful (nor shall same be considered an accessory use or structure for the district).
(2) Land disposals, solid waste landfills and any similar storage or processing-facilities of solid waste are prohibited in all use districts within the town. This prohibition does not restrict the development of a waste-water treatment facility for the treatment of waste produced by a development for business or residential uses, in accordance with regulations of ADEQ/EPA and other regulatory agencies.
(3) Only if the limitations of this division, and other uses specifically prohibited in specific use districts, are amended or limited by legislative change or judicial interpretation, then any deviation from the strict interpretation, application and enforcement of such provisions shall require application for the issuance of a conditional use permit by the proposed user and/or property owner, and the approval and issuance of such conditional use permit by the Town Council. The application for such must illustrate how external effects shall be mitigated through the term of such use (air, subterranean, noise, glare and/or aesthetic). Otherwise, no use permit is available.
(B) Zoning Districts. The following comprises the various zoning districts and their order (from higher to lower) in applying the change of use provisions of the chapter:
R1L District | (Residential; Single Family Limited) |
RMM District | (Residential; Multi-Sectional Manufactured Homes) |
R1 District | (Residential; Single Family) |
RCU District | (Residential; Rural) |
R2 District | (Residential; Multi-Family ) |
RS District | (Residential and Services) |
C1 District | (Commercial; Neighborhood Sales and Services) |
C2 District | (Commercial; General Sales and Services) |
C3 District | (Commercial and Minor Industrial) |
PM District | (Performance Industrial) |
M1 District | (Industrial; General Limited) |
M2 District | (Industrial; Heavy) |
PAD District | (Planned Area Development) |
RCD District | (Residential Camping District) |
OS District | (Open Space Resource Conservation Zone) |
Overlay Zones | |
(Ord. 08-44 § 400, passed 10-21-2008; Am. Ord. 09-50, passed 4-21-2009)