12-11-3: SIGN PERMITS:
   A.   Scope: No sign, except as provided in subsection G of this section, shall hereafter be erected, constructed, altered, or relocated without first obtaining a permit from the Zoning Administrator.
   B.   Applications: Applications for a sign permit shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator, on forms so provided, and in accordance with the requirements of section 12-3-1, "Applications And Hearings", of this title.
   C.   Issuance Of The Permit:
      1.   The Zoning Administrator: Upon receipt of a fully complete sign permit application, the Zoning Administrator shall examine the application and all material attached thereto to determine its compliance with this chapter, as well as, any other applicable City Code, ordinance, or law. The Zoning Administrator shall take formal action on the application within thirty (30) days of the date the application was filed. Except where needed to determine if a sign meets the requirements set forth in this chapter, the content of proposed signs is irrelevant and is not to be considered by any City official or employee in any government action or permit review.
      2.   Approval By Electrical Inspector: Applications for a sign permit in which electrical wiring and connections are to be used shall also be reviewed and approved by the electrical inspector for the City of Des Plaines.
      3.   Billboard Permits: As stated in section 12-11-6 of this chapter, billboards are signs meeting IDOT requirements, within six hundred sixty feet (660') of I-90 and I-294 and for which the total surface area of the signs does not exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet per face and does not exceed two thousand four hundred (2,400) total square feet for a double faced sign. As stated further in that section, the height of the sign shall not exceed ninety nine feet (99') from the base of the pole to the top of the structure or sixty five feet (65') from the surface of the pavement of the lane closest to the structure, except as otherwise provided by a limited variation ordinance.
         a.   Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 12-11-6B of this chapter, a permit shall be required for each billboard erected.
   D.   Validity Of The Permit: If work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within six (6) months of the date of issuance, the sign permit shall then become void.
   E.   Bond: (Rep. by Ord. Z-9-16, 6-6-2016)
   F.   Appeals:
      1.   Appeals From The Denial Of A Sign Permit: An appeal from the denial of a sign permit shall be taken to the Planning and Zoning Board pursuant to section 12-3-9, "Appeals", of this title.
      2.   Appeals Taken For The Failure To Issue A Sign Permit: Failure of the zoning administrator to take formal action on a sign permit application within the prescribed time set forth above, unless otherwise agreed to by the applicant, shall be grounds for an appeal to the Planning and Zoning Board pursuant to section 12-3-9, "Appeals", of this title.
   G.   Exempt Signs: The following signs shall be exempt from the permit requirements set forth in this section; provided however, they meet the remaining requirements of this chapter, as well as, any limitation set forth herein.
      1.   Public service signs. Signs used for safety purposes relative to the repair or maintenance of streets, sidewalks, or utilities in a public right of way, provided such signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
      2.   Address signs. Address numbers not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.
      3.   Governmental. Signs and public notices erected or required by governmental bodies, or authorized for a public purpose by any law, statute, or ordinance, or to promote the public good. Governmental signs and notices shall be installed on public property or private property if the private property owner consents to the installation of such governmental sign or notice.
      4.   Public information signs. Signs identifying the telephone, restrooms, and similar facilities, providing no advertising matter accompanies the sign.
      5.   Flags are exempt. Flagpoles accompanying such flags shall be limited to a height of twenty feet (20') in residential districts and forty feet (40') in nonresidential districts. The size of the flag shall be in proportion to the height of the pole.
      6.   Memorial plaques. Memorial plaques and cornerstones when not exceeding two (2) square feet in area when permanently affixed to a building or premises.
      7.   Bulletin boards. Notice and bulletin boards for public, charitable, religious, or similar type institution when not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet and located on the same premises as the institution.
      8.   Time and temperature signs. Time and temperature signs containing computer generated message such as a public service, time, temperature, and date not exceeding eighteen (18) square feet.
      9.   Historical identification signs. Signs for property designated by the federal, state, or local governments as a historical location, site, or landmark, provided such sign does not exceed twelve (12) square feet.
      10.   Real estate signs. Real estate signs advertising one (1) to twenty-four (24) residential units in a single development in the type and number listed below:
         a.   Signs advertising the sale, lease, or rent of property, provided:
            (1)    No sign shall exceed eight (8) square feet in area,
            (2)    No sign shall be erected more than six feet (6') from the finished floor and not displayed above the second floor of a multi-story building,
            (3)    Not more than one sign per street frontage is displayed,
            (4)    Every sign is located on the same premises as the subject property, and
            (5)    Every sign is removed seven (7) days after the closing or execution of the lease.
         b.   Signs identifying a real estate open house, provided:
            (1)    No sign shall exceed six (6) square feet in area,
            (2)    Not more than four (4) signs per property shall be displayed,
            (3)    The signs shall be displayed only between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M.,
            (4)    The signs may be located at any intersection within one square mile of the subject property, but only one sign per intersection per property shall be allowed, and
            (5)    Every sign shall have attached to it identification denoting the person or persons who are responsible for the placement and removal of the signs.
      11.   Miscellaneous information matter. Matter appearing on gasoline pumps, newspaper vending boxes, automatic teller machines, and other vending machines, or matter appearing on or adjacent to entry doors such as "Push", "Pull", "Open", and "Closed", or matter appearing on display windows or doors denoting hours of operation, credit cards accepted, and similar information.
      12.   Temporary window signs. Except in residential districts, two (2) signs per window with the total sign area for both signs not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the window surface area.
      13.   Temporary, personal message, celebration, special event and garage sale signs on residentially zoned property, are subject to the following: The mayor and city council specifically find and declare that proliferation of an unlimited number and size of signs, particularly in residentially zoned areas of the city would create ugliness, visual blight and clutter, tarnish the natural beauty of the landscape and architectural environment, impair property values, substantially impinge upon the privacy and special ambience of the community and cause safety and traffic hazards to motorists, pedestrians and children. Temporary personal message, celebration, special event and similar signs are permitted subject to the following restrictions:
         a.   No such sign shall exceed sixty five (65) square feet in sign surface area.
         b.   No more than two (2) temporary signs shall be placed on the property at any one time.
         c.   No such sign shall be illuminated.
         d.   No such sign shall project higher than forty two inches (42") above the ground level at the base of the sign.
         e.   No such sign shall be located within ten feet (10') of any other lot, parcel or tract.
         f.   A temporary sign erected in connection with a rummage sale or garage sale shall not be erected for a period longer than three (3) days, and must be removed no later than nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. on the day the rummage or garage sale expires.
      14.    Directional Signs. A maximum of three (3) directional signs shall be allowed on lots zoned C-2, C-3, C-4 and M-2 and are subject to the following additional restrictions:
         a.    The maximum allowable height for each directional sign is three (3) feet from the established grade.
         b.    The maximum area for each directional sign shall be two (2) square feet.
         c.    Directional signs may be internally illuminated, but shall not be externally illuminated; however, a valid electrical permit shall be required.
         d.    Each directional sign must be installed on private property, must be setback at least two (2) feet from any property line and must be adjacent to a vehicle entrance or exit.
         e.    All directional signs shall be accompanied with at least one foot (1') of landscaping around the entire base of the sign. The plantings shall consist of low-lying evergreen shrubs and perennials.
      15.   Employment Opportunity Signs. Signs advertising available positions at a business and located on the same zoning lot as the business. Employment opportunity signs are limited to one sign per business and must not exceed four feet in height and 16 square feet in area. (Ord. Z-26-05A, 9-19-2005; amd. Ord. Z-18-08, 7-7-2008; Ord. Z-14-15, 7-6-2015; Ord. Z-29-15, 10-5-2015; Ord. Z-17-19, 7-1-2019; Ord. Z-16-20, 8-3-2020)