The city council, as the city's legislative body, hereby reserves to itself the following powers and duties in connection with the implementation of this title:
   A.   To initiate amendments to the text of this zoning ordinance and to the zoning map, subject to the regulations of section 12-3-7, "Amendments", of this title;
   B.   To grant or deny amendments to the text of this zoning ordinance and to the zoning map, upon recommendation of the PZB, subject to the regulations of section 12-3-7, "Amendments", of this title;
   C.   To grant or deny any variations not within the jurisdiction of the PZB or the zoning administrator, upon recommendation of the PZB, subject to the regulations of section 12-3-6, "Variations", of this title; provided, however that the city council shall have jurisdiction to grant or deny any variation that would normally be under the jurisdiction of the PZB, when the applicant is concurrently requesting other relief over which the city council has original jurisdiction pursuant to this section;
   D.   To grant or deny conditional use permits, upon recommendation of the PZB, subject to the regulations of section 12-3-4, "Conditional Uses", of this title;
   E.   To grant or deny planned unit developments, upon recommendation of the PZB, subject to the regulations of section 12-3-5, "Planned Unit Developments", of this title;
   F.   To take such other actions not delegated to other bodies or officials as may be desirable or necessary to implement the provisions of this title; and
   G.   To grant or deny extensions for nonconforming uses and buildings, subject to the regulations of chapter 5, "Nonconforming Uses And Structures", of this title. (Ord. Z-29-15, 10-5-2015)