A.   Planting Required: All shade and ornamental trees shall be planted at least two feet (2') inside of the outer line of the sidewalk ground as may hereafter be provided by law. (1956 Code ch. 8 art. IV)
   B.   Location And Spacing:
      1.   Based upon a forty (40) year cycle, no tree which will attain a trunk diameter greater than twelve inches to fifteen inches (12"-15") shall be planted in a parkway less than three feet to five feet (3'-5') in width. In parkways less than three feet (3') in width, or if overhead lines or building setback present special problems, the selection of the site and species shall be determined by the city forester.
      2.   When the parkway is four feet (4') or less, the city may enter into written voluntary agreements of three (3) years' duration with the adjoining landowner whereby, among other things, the city forester shall select, plant and maintain trees specified within section 13-3-2 of this code a distance of no less than and no more than four feet (4') from the inside edge of the sidewalk and the center of the tree. Upon the expiration of the three (3) year period, the tree shall become the sole property of the adjoining landowner and he shall become solely responsible for its maintenance. No construction or interpretation of this paragraph shall conflict with subsection A of this section, nor subsection 13-3-2C of this code.
      3.   Trees shall be planted at least thirty feet (30') from street intersections and at least fifteen feet (15') from driveways and alleys.
      4.   No tree shall be planted closer than ten feet (10') to a utility pole or fire hydrant.
      5.   Spacing of trees shall be determined by the city forester and his determination shall depend upon the local conditions, the species, cultivar or varieties employed, their mature height, spread and form. Generally, all large trees shall be planted forty feet to sixty feet (40'-60') on center; all medium sized trees shall be planted a minimum of thirty five feet (35') on center, and all small trees shall be planted a minimum of twenty five feet (25') on center.
      6.   All planting on unpaved streets without curbs must have the special permission of the forester who shall determine the tree's location so that it will not be injured or destroyed when the street is curbed and paved. (Ord. M-90-96, 1-6-1997)