A.   Specifications:
      1.   All sidewalks shall be constructed of portland cement concrete in accordance with the City engineering design standards and the Illinois Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction". (2002 Code)
      2.   Except when a subdivision variation on sidewalks has been granted by the City Council pursuant to section 13-2-6 of this Code, the owner of property adjoining any street who builds any new building on vacant property or who demolishes an existing building and builds any new building on the property, shall install sidewalks on the frontage except as waived by a majority vote of the City Council. The City Council shall take into account the nature of the proposed building, the existing uses and sidewalks in the vicinity and the probable effect of the proposed building on the vicinity in making a determination to waive the installation of sidewalks. The sidewalks shall be constructed according to the detail requirements of the Engineering Department. (Ord. M-31-76, 8-16-1976; amd. 2002 Code)
      3.   In circumstances where the sidewalk may not need to be immediately constructed, the Director of Engineering shall so notify the City Council. If the City Council is in concurrence, an amount equal to five dollars ($5.00) per square foot for the year 2003, with an annual increase of five percent (5%), shall be paid by the applicant and deposited with the Finance Department. Such amount, if not utilized for sidewalk construction within seven (7) years of deposit, shall lapse to the General Fund of the City. (Ord. M-14-03, 4-21-2003)
   B.   Ramped Sidewalks Required: All new curbs and sidewalks and all existing curbs or sidewalks which are a part of any new construction or reconstruction at the intersections of sidewalks and streets, sidewalks and alleys and at other points of major pedestrian flow, shall comply with the Illinois Accessibility Code. Details for placement and construction of the ramped sidewalks shall be under the direction of the City Engineer. (Ord. M-2-76, 2-5-1976; amd. 2002 Code)