A.   The words and phrases defined in 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-3, as amended (liquor control act of 1934), are hereby made a part of this chapter.
   BREWERY: Any class of brewer or craft brewer licensed to manufacture beer under the Illinois liquor control act of 1934, 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1 et seq. When a brewery is the principal use, it may include a "tavern" or a class A restaurant, as those terms are defined in section 12-13-3 of the zoning code, as accessory uses. A brewery with an accessory tavern is eligible to obtain the following classes of liquor licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor by the tavern, provided that the tavern complies with the applicable requirements set forth in section 4-4-4 of this chapter: class A, class AB, class F, and class H. A brewery with an accessory class A restaurant is eligible to obtain the following classes of liquor licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor by the class A restaurant, provided that the class A restaurant complies with the applicable requirements set forth in section 4-4-4 of this chapter: class E, class F, and class H. A brewery is not eligible to obtain a class J license under any circumstance.
   BREWPUB: A "tavern" or class A restaurant, as those terms are defined in section 12-13-3 of the zoning code, that includes a brewery as an accessory use and that satisfies the definition of "brew pub" set forth in the Illinois liquor control act of 1934, 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1 et seq. When a tavern is the principal use, a brewpub is eligible to obtain the following classes of liquor licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor by the tavern, provided that the tavern complies with the applicable requirements set forth in section 4-4-4 of this chapter: class A, class AB, class F, and class H. When a class A restaurant is the principal use, a brewpub is eligible to obtain the following classes of liquor licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor by the class A restaurant, provided that the class A restaurant complies with the applicable requirements set forth in section 4-4-4 of this chapter: class E, class F, and class H. A brewpub is not eligible to obtain a class J license under any circumstance.
   COFFEE SHOP: A place of business that: 1) is registered in accordance with chapter 1 of this title; 2) opens to the public for business each day not later than seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and remains open to the public for business continuously for not less than ten (10) hours; and 3) is engaged in the primary business of the sale, over a counter located at the point of sale where customers place orders, of: a) coffee, tea, coffee based beverages, tea based beverages, and other beverages prepared on the premises for consumption on or off the premises where served; and b) food items, including baked goods, sandwiches, and salads, primarily prepared off premises for consumption on or off the premises where served. The sale or service of alcoholic liquor at any coffee shop located within the city is prohibited except pursuant to a class P coffee shop license. No coffee shop located within the city is eligible for any class of liquor license other than a class P coffee shop license.
   DISTILLERY: Any class of distiller or craft distiller licensed to manufacture spirits by distillation under the Illinois liquor control act of 1934, 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1 et seq. When a distillery is the principal use, it may include a "tavern" or a class A restaurant, as those terms are defined in section 12-13-3 of the zoning code, as accessory uses. A distillery with an accessory tavern is eligible to obtain the following classes of liquor licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor by the tavern, provided that the tavern complies with the applicable requirements set forth in section 4-4-4 of this chapter: class A, class AB, class F, and class H. A distillery with an accessory class A restaurant is eligible to obtain the following classes of liquor licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor by the class A restaurant, provided that the class A restaurant complies with the applicable requirements set forth in section 4-4-4 of this chapter: class E, class F, and class H. A distillery is not eligible to obtain a class J license under any circumstance. (Ord. M-11-16, 4-4-2016)