A.   Inspections: The city manager shall make or cause to be made all inspections of the premises, vehicles, equipment or methods of operation used in conducting a licensed business that he determines to be necessary to ensure compliance with any provision of this code or to detect violations thereof.
   B.   Consent To Inspection: By submitting an application for a business license, the licensee shall consent to inspection of the premises, vehicles, equipment or methods of operation used in conducting a licensed business for the purpose of verifying compliance with any provision of this code or to detect violations thereof. It shall be the duty of the licensee or person in charge of such premises, vehicles, equipment or methods of operation to permit, at any reasonable time, any officer or employee of the city who is authorized or directed to make such inspections to be admitted to such premises, to have access to such vehicles or equipment, and to observe such methods of operation for the purpose of making said inspections.
Whenever an analysis of any commodity or material is reasonably necessary to secure conformance with any provision of this code or to detect violations thereof, it shall be the duty of the licensee, upon request, to give any authorized officer or employee of the city requesting the same sufficient samples of such material or commodity for such analysis.
   C.   Investigations: Where a provision of this code authorizes or necessitates an investigation or inspection by any department or official of the city before the issuance of a license, and requires the approval by such department or official regarding the character or fitness of any applicant for a license, or regarding the proper location or condition of the premises in which the business for which a license is applied is to be managed, conducted, operated or carried on, or regarding the condition and nature of the equipment and methods intended to be used by the applicant in such business, occupation or activity, then the director of community and economic development shall promptly transmit to each department or official charged with the investigation and approval of any such application, such information as may be necessary in order that the authorized or required investigation or inspection may be made. Each such department head or official shall make any necessary investigation or inspection, and shall note the results thereof on the license application. Within ten (10) days after the receipt of said information from the director of community and economic development, the department head or official shall also note on the license application a recommendation for either approval or disapproval of the issuance of such license. The director of community and economic development shall then be notified accordingly.
   D.   Bond: Before a license is granted, any bond or insurance required to be given by any person to the city under the licensing provisions of this code shall be approved as to form by the director of finance. The director of finance shall also cause an investigation to be made of the sureties on any license bond, and a license shall be granted only if he shall find that such sureties are good. (Ord. M-19-13, 10-7-2013)