A.   Office Established And Appointment: There is hereby established the office of the director of human resources. The director of human resources shall be appointed by the city manager. Political considerations shall not be used in the selection or removal of the director of human resources.
   B.   Powers And Duties: The powers and duties of the director of human resources shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1.   Advise and make recommendations to the city council and city manager on matters of personnel organization and administration;
      2.   Maintain and keep current the position classification and compensation plan;
      3.   Administer a recruitment and selection program for employment in the city classified service;
      4.   Administer the maintenance of records of all city employees;
      5.   Administrate the following employee benefit programs: health and life insurance plan, retirement, safety and workers' compensation and unemployment insurance;
      6.   Assist with the preparation of salary and benefit cost projections for the annual city budget as well as ensure required federal, state and related reports are appropriately filed;
      7.   The director of human resources shall be the head of the human resources division and shall have supervision over all employees of the division and shall be responsible for the performance of their duties. (Ord. M-26-07, 5-5-2008)