   1-601   Fiscal year
   1-602   Proposed budget statement; contents; availability; correction
   1-603   Proposed budget statement; hearing; adoption; certification of tax amount
   1-604   Adopted budget statement; filing; certification of amount of tax
   1-604.01   Expenditures prior to adoption of budget
   1-605   Budget procedure
   1-606   Appropriations
   1-607   Property tax; certification of amount
   1-608   Expenditures
   1-609   Contracts and purchases; bidding and other requirements
   1-610   Annual audit
   1-611   Claims and accounts payable
   1-612   Warrants
   1-613   Transfer of funds
   1-614   Special assessment fund
   1-615   Sinking funds
   1-616   General Fund
   1-617   Deposit of funds
   1-618   Investment of funds
   1-619   Bond issues
   1-620   Motor vehicle fee
   1-621   Proprietary functions; fiscal year; budget statements; filing; hearing; adoption; reconciliation
   1-622   Property tax levy; maximum; authority to exceed
   1-623   Property tax request; procedure for setting
   1-624   Certificates of deposit; time deposits; conditions
   1-625   Fiscal management; credit cards and electronic funds transfers; authority to accept
   1-626   Budget revision
   1-627   Debt collection; authority to contract with collection agency
   1-628   Definitions