In the event that the Mayor and City Council deem it neither expedient nor advisable to enter into a contract for the collection of garbage and other waste material throughout the city, any person may, upon written application to the City Clerk, if he or she can satisfy the Mayor and Council that he or she can and will comply with all of the applicable city ordinances, be issued a written permit to engage in said work. The fee for said permit shall be $10 per annum, and the issuance of said permit shall entitle the recipient thereof to haul and collect garbage and other waste materials in the city for one year after the date of issuance. Said permit may be renewed annually upon the submitting by the applicant of the permit fee and the approval of the Mayor and City Council. If at any time the Mayor and City Council enter into a contract for city-wide collection of garbage and other waste materials, all permits issued under this section shall immediately expire upon the signing of any city-wide contract.
(Ord. 331, passed 7-5-1983)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 19-2105 and 19-2106