(A)   The expense of overhead service drop conductors; connectors; and associated miscellaneous material, including the electrical meter, shall be provided and installed by the municipality. Maintenance and replacement expense of overhead service drop shall also be the responsibility of the municipality.
   (B)   All new electrical installations that require a permit from the state commenced after passage of this section shall be underground installations. The expense of underground installation and wiring shall be the responsibility of the consumer. Upon completion of the project and verification by the City Utilities Superintendent of the underground installation, the consumer will receive a one-time reimbursement of $400. Maintenance and replacement expense for underground services shall be the responsibility of the consumer.
   (C)   Installation of new underground distribution lines and associated expenses shall be the responsibility of the municipality.
   (D)   The municipality is under no obligation to extend existing lines at no cost to the consumer. In cases where distance from existing lines, characteristics of the consumer’s specific electrical needs or other factors are such that revenues from the use of electricity are, in the opinion of the City Utilities Director, insufficient to justify an extension, the consumer shall be required to pay a portion of the cost of construction in an amount to be determined by the City Council.
(Ord. 899, passed 10-3-2017)