(A)   Whoever knowingly or willfully makes a false affidavit or takes a false oath regarding the qualifications of any person to sign petitions under Neb. RS 18-2501 through 18-2531 shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor with a limit of $300 on the fine.
   (B)   Whoever falsely makes or willfully destroys a petition or any part thereof, or signs a false name thereto, or signs or files any petition knowing the same or any part thereof to be falsely made, or suppresses any petition, or any part thereof, which has been duly filed, pursuant to Neb. RS 18-2501 through 18-2531 shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor with a limit of $500 on the fine.
   (C)   Whoever signs any petition under Neb. RS 18-2501 through 18-2531 knowing that he or she is not a registered voter in the place where such petition is made, aids or abets any other person in doing any of the acts mentioned in this section, bribes or gives or pays any money or thing of value to any person directly or indirectly to induce him or her to sign such petition, or engages in any deceptive practice intended to induce any person to sign a petition, shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor with a limit of $300 on the fine.
   (D)   Any Clerk who willfully refuses to comply with the provisions of Neb. RS 18-2501 through 18-2531, or who willfully causes unreasonable delay in the execution of his or her duties under such sections shall be guilty of a Class IV felony, but imprisonment shall not be included as part of the punishment, and the fine shall not exceed $5,000.
(Ord. 342, passed 11-1-1983)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 18-2532 through 18-2535