To minimize the discharge of FOG into the sanitary sewer system, the following Best Management Practices shall be implemented by all classes of FSEs. This includes kitchen practices and employee training that are essential in minimizing FOG discharges:
      1.   Installation of drain screens. Drain screens shall be installed on all drainage pipes in food preparation areas. This includes kitchen sinks, floor drains and mop sinks.
      2.   Segregation and collection of waste cooking oil. All waste cooking oil shall be collected and stored properly in recycling receptacles. Such recycling receptacles shall be maintained to ensure that they do not leak. Licensed waste haulers or an approved recycling facility must be used to dispose of waste cooking oil.
      3.   Disposal of food waste. Food wastes shall be disposed of directly into the trash or garbage, and not in the drain.
      4.   Employee training. Employee training shall be provided as part of the normal orientation process and annually thereafter including, at a minimum, the following subjects.
         A.   How to "dry wipe" pots, pans, dishware and work areas before washing to remove grease.
         B.   How to properly dispose of food waste and solids in enclosed plastic bags prior to disposal in trash bins or containers to prevent leaking and odors.
         C.   The location and use of absorption products to clean under fryer baskets and other locations where grease may be spilled or dripped. All FSEs are responsible to safely install materials to meet this requirement.
         D.   How to properly dispose of grease or oils from cooking equipment into a grease receptacle without spilling.
      5.   Kitchen signage. FOG control practices shall be posted in food preparation and dishwashing areas at all times.
      6.   Grease removal devices. All FSEs shall maintain their grease removal devices in accordance with this Ordinance.