A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes:
Children's nurseries, play schools, nursery school, or children's centers.
No children's nursery, play school, nursery school, or children's center shall be operated in the city, unless it is operated in compliance with the rules and regulations and standards for nurseries promulgated, adopted and approved by the New Mexico department of public health, and unless, prior to the operation thereof, said nursery, play school, nursery school or children's center has been approved by the New Mexico department of public health or its duly authorized agents.
Church or public building bulletin board not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area, and temporary signs not exceeding six (6) square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire, or sale of a building or premises; provided, however, that there shall be no more than one such sign on any one lot.
Commercial agricultural activity, and incidental structures, provided the lot has an area of at least two (2) acres net.
Fowl. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain at his residence or place of business chickens, geese, turkeys, guineas or other like fowl in excess of twenty five (25) in number, or to slaughter any fowl for the purpose of sale.
Golf courses, except miniature courses and driving tees operated for commercial purposes.
Home occupations.
Livestock. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, house, maintain, pasture or breed a horse, mule, colt, ass, bull, ox, cow, calf, hog, pig, sheep, cattle or other livestock (hereinafter referred to as "livestock") of any kind within the city limits, except in areas zoned A-5, and as provided herein:
   A.   Number Of Animals: Cattle, horses, goats and sheep may be maintained in the city limits only if the premises on which they are maintained consist of at least two (2) acres of land, except that lambs and Vietnamese potbellied or mini-pigs may be kept within the city limits pursuant to subsection 6-2-13 of this code. No more than two (2) head of cattle, horses, goats or adult sheep may be maintained on such two (2) acre parcel. An additional two (2) head may be kept at the ratio of two (2) head per additional acre of open land area, with a total not to exceed ten (10) head per parcel or contiguous parcels owned by the same owner. Two (2) head of livestock under the age of four (4) months shall be counted as one grown animal, but only where proof of the age of each animal can be shown.
   B.   Setback Requirement: No livestock shall be kept, housed, maintained or pastured within two hundred feet (200') of a neighboring residence not owned by the owner of the livestock. In the event such a residence is constructed or placed within two hundred feet (200') of a place where livestock has previously been continuously housed, maintained or pastured for a substantial period of time, the setback requirement shall not apply unless:
      1.   The title to the premises where the livestock is housed, maintained or pastured is transferred to another owner; or
      2.   The maintenance, housing or pasturing of livestock on the premises is discontinued.
   C.   Sanitary Conditions: Livestock shall be kept in a sanitary and healthful manner for the protection of the animals, persons living on the premises and neighbors. The provisions of section 6-2-14 of this code shall apply to animals kept in the city limits pursuant to this zoning use regulation.
   D.   Nuisance: No person shall allow livestock to constitute a nuisance.
   E.   Feed Storage: All feed for animals kept pursuant to this zoning use regulation shall be stored out of public view and protected from the elements and shall be kept free of rodents and pests.
   F.   Fencing: Animals kept pursuant to this zoning use regulation shall be confined to the owner's property by a fence or wall which complies with city ordinances and with the setback requirements herein.
   G.   Boarding And Commercial Enterprises: Livestock shall not be boarded or be kept for any commercial purpose, unless otherwise provided by city zoning ordinances.
Nurseries and truck gardening, but not the raising of poultry, pets or livestock, for strictly commercial purposes or on a scale that would be objectionable because of noise or odor to surrounding residences.
Parks and playgrounds, city owned or operated.
Public schools, elementary and high, and educational institutions having a curriculum the same as ordinarily given in public schools.
Single-family dwelling of not less than eight hundred (800) square feet of floor space.
Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work, which buildings shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to the above uses, not involving the conduct of a business, including a private garage. Any accessory building that is not a part of the main structure shall be located not less than sixty feet (60') from the front lot line. (Ord. 708, 10-11-1982; amd. Ord. 981, 11-9-1998)