The following regulations shall apply to promote indoor water conservation:
   A.   Definition: "Water conservation" means any beneficial reduction in water use or water loss.
   B.   Indoor Plumbing Fixtures:
      1.   All new residential buildings and all new nonresidential buildings, including all additions and renovations to existing residential and nonresidential buildings that involve either the installation of new toilets or the replacement of existing toilets, shall install low flush toilets which use no more than 2.0 gallons per flush (gpf).
      2.   All new residential buildings and all new nonresidential buildings, including all additions and renovations to existing residential and nonresidential buildings that involve either the installation of new showerheads or the replacement of existing showerheads, shall install showerheads with a maximum flow rate that does not exceed 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm).
      3.   All new residential buildings and all new nonresidential buildings, including all additions and renovations to existing residential and nonresidential buildings that involve either the installation of new faucets or the replacement of existing faucets, shall install faucets with a maximum flow rate that does not exceed 1.5 gallons per minute (gpm).
   C.   Indoor Appliances:
      1.   It is recommended, but not mandatory that all new residential buildings and all new nonresidential buildings, including all additions and renovations to existing residential and nonresidential buildings that involve either the installation of new dishwashers or the replacement of existing dishwashers, to install low water use dishwashers which require no more than thirteen (13) gallons of water in the regular cycle and have a cycle adjustment that reduces the water used for small loads.
      2.   It is recommended, but not mandatory that all new residential buildings and all new nonresidential buildings, including all additions and renovations to existing residential and nonresidential buildings that involve either the installation of new clothes washing machines or the replacement of existing clothes washing machines, to install low water use clothes washing machines which require no more than forty three (43) gallons of water in the regular cycle and no more than fifty three (53) gallons of water in the permanent press cycle, and have a cycle or water level adjustment that reduces the water used for small loads.
      3.   It is recommended, but not mandatory that all new residential buildings and all new nonresidential buildings, to install a hot water recirculation system approved by Underwriters Laboratories or other similar, nationally accepted approval agency. Alternatively, a "demand water heater" system, installed centrally or at the point of use, may be used if such system is approved by Underwriters Laboratories, or other similar, nationally accepted approval agency.
   D.   Outdoor Appliances:
      1.   It is recommended, but not mandatory that all new residential buildings and all new nonresidential buildings, including all additions and renovations to existing residential and nonresidential buildings that involve either the installation of new evaporative coolers or the replacement of existing evaporative coolers, to install manufactured coolers with certified water conservative features.
   E.   Penalty: Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, shall be punished as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. (Ord. 1087, 6-14-2004)