A.   Animal Nuisance: It is unlawful for a keeper to allow any animal to persistently bark, howl or make noise, to be kept or maintained in such a manner to disturb by emitting noxious or offensive odors or to otherwise be a nuisance, as defined, to the inhabitants of the area, specifically including defecation upon other private property.
   B.   Abandonment Of Animals: It is unlawful to abandon any animal. To leave an animal without food, water or shelter for more than twenty four (24) hours on one's premises or to dump or leave off a domestic animal on property other than one's own without permission is considered abandonment.
   C.   Dangerous And Vicious Animals: Special provisions for dangerous and vicious are as follows:
      1.   It is unlawful for any person to keep or harbor any vicious animal. When an animal control officer has probable cause to believe that an animal is vicious, the officer may impound the animal into protective custody awaiting appropriate court proceedings. Following judicial determination that an animal is vicious, the court having jurisdiction over the enforcement of this chapter, shall, in addition to any fine or imprisonment imposed for violation of this section, order the owner or keeper of such vicious animal to have it humanely destroyed.
      2.   Dangerous animals with the potential to become vicious, whether through breeding or training (such as guard dogs) must be contained and restrained with additional safeguards for the public. When in public, such restraint may include a muzzle attached to its mouth of sufficient construction to prevent said dog from harming any person or animal.
      3.   Should any dangerous animal be found abandoned, running at large, or violating any other part of this chapter, the shelter or animal control will determine if the animal is a hazard to the public and whether or not it may be redeemed from the shelter. Vicious animals found abandoned or running at large shall be destroyed.
   D.   Harboring Unvaccinated Animals: It is unlawful for any person to keep a dog or cat that has not been vaccinated against rabies as provided in this chapter.
   E.   Cruelty To Animals: It is unlawful for any person to wilfully or maliciously kill, maim, disfigure, torture, beat with a stick, chain, club or other object, mutilate, burn or scald with any substance, overdrive or otherwise cruelly set upon any animal except that reasonable force may be employed to drive off or otherwise control vicious or trespassing animals.
   F.   Wild Animals: It is unlawful to own or harbor a wild animal within the city limits.
   G.   Animal Care And Protection: It is unlawful for a keeper to fail to provide any animal with proper food, water available at all times, shade, shelter, and veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering.
   H.   Poisoning And Trapping: The following provisions apply to the use of poison and the trapping:
      1.   It is unlawful to set traps to capture dogs or cats other than noninjurious, cage type enclosures.
      2.   It is unlawful for any person to prepare, dispense, set out, or otherwise administer any poisonous material with the intent of harming or killing any animal.
      3.   It is unlawful to set traps intended to kill or maim dogs or cats. This section does not prohibit the eradication of vermin which are a threat to public health.
   I.   Animal Fights: It is unlawful to cause, instigate, promote or attend any fight in which two (2) or more animals or fowls are engaged for the purpose of injuring, maiming or destroying themselves or another animal.
   J.   Exclusion Of Service Dogs From Places Of Business: It is unlawful for any person owning, operating or maintaining any public place of business or conveyance into which the general public is invited for any business purpose to exclude therefrom any dog that has been trained to assist the blind or deaf, or mobility impaired, provided that such dog is in the company of the person whom it was trained to assist.
   K.   Unlawful Quarantine Release: It is unlawful to remove an animal from quarantine without a signed release from animal control or the shelter.
   L.   Possession Of Poisonous Animals: It shall be unlawful for any person or business to keep any venomous or poisonous snakes, lizards or reptiles within the city. (Ord. 1067, 9-9-2002)