(a) Any water and sewer rental account not paid by the due date so stated on the water and sewer bill shall be placed by the Utility Clerk of the Village of Delta on the delinquent water and sewer account list.
(b) The Utility Clerk shall send each party whose name appears on the delinquent water a sewer rental account list, a notice by ordinary mail stating the amount of the water and sewer rental account due and unpaid including penalty, and that water service will be discontinued if said delinquent water and sewer rental account is not paid in full on the later of twenty days from date bill was due or ten days from the mailing of the delinquent notice.
(c) The Utility Clerk shall certify to the Superintendent of the Delta Water Department the name and addresses of any water and sewer rental accounts unpaid and delinquent after expiration of the later of twenty (20) days from the date the bill was due or ten days from the mailing of the delinquency notice.
(d) The Superintendent of the Delta Water Department shall upon receipt from the Utility Clerk of the names and addresses of delinquent water and sewer rental accounts disconnect and discontinue the water service to the premises thereof.
(Ord. 06-04. Passed 6-19-06.)
(e) Any party whose premises have been disconnected and discontinued from water service for reason of a delinquent water and sewer rental account may have said water service upon payment in full to the Utility Clerk of the delinquent water and sewer rental account including any penalty thereon and in addition a fifty dollar ($50.00) service charge for restoration of the water service and if a water department employee goes to the residence but does not shut off the service there is a twenty five dollar ($25.00) service charge.
(1) Based on the recommendation of the Utility Clerk, in cases of extreme economic hardship, customer inability to pay their account in full when the balance exceeds $200.00, or where unexpected circumstances have created a large balance; but only in cases where customers have not had repeated delinquency, the Village Administrator may at his/her discretion allow payment arrangements not to exceed six months in term.
(2) This payment arrangement would consist of payment of their current monthly balance due and a payment arrangements consisting of at least twenty percent (20%) of their delinquent amount due. Failure to make a payment under the payment arrangement shall lead to a service disconnection notice followed by a service disconnection with a $50.00 reconnect fee. (Ord. 09-26. Passed 7-6-09.)
(f) When a final bill has been required (1) by a property owner because of the sale of the property or (2) by a tenant of a rental property, the water service will be terminated until such time as (1) the new owner of the property, (2) the owner of the rental property or (3) the new tenant of the rental property has signed a contract for water service and has paid the required water deposit. Any past due bills must be paid by either the owner or the old tenant before service will be restored. The tenant must pay any delinquent water and sewer bills when moving to another residence serviced by the Village water and sewer system before service will be restored and in addition thereto, pay the required deposit.
(g) No termination of service will be made of a rental property by the owner if the tenant is not delinquent in payment of the water and sewer bill. Termination will only occur when the tenant is placed on the delinquency list as required under subsections (a), (b), (c) and (d) hereof or when the owner has a court order directing the Village to terminate the service.
(Ord. 05-20. Passed 12-5-05.)
(h) A landlord must have separate shut off valves located on the outside of the residence which are accessible to the Village of Delta employees for any multi unit dwelling of the water service must be in the landlords name only. This must be done within six months of passage of this subsection and if it is not the Utility Clerk will take a final reading and put the service in the landlord’s name. (Ord. 06-04. Passed 6-19-06.)