921.03 SEWER TAPS.
   (a)   Application.
      (1)   No person shall make a tap into any sewer until there has been made an application to the Superintendent of Wastewater Facilities for a permit to make the tap. The application shall be on a form to be provided by the Superintendent and shall contain the name of the applicant, names of the property owners, proper identification of the property to be served by the tap, and the size, location, and materials of the private sewer to be served by the tap.
      (2)   The Village may provide sanitary sewer service to land which is outside of the corporate limits of the Village but within the Village’s wastewater collection service area provided that before such wastewater service is provided, the owner of such land must comply with the following:
   Execute an agreement to annex the property to the Village. Such owner shall exert all efforts to obtain annexation of his or her property, including signing an annexation petition, when it is legal to require a similar agreement from anyone to whom he or she sells all or any part of his or her land and to place a covenant in the deed requiring any subsequent purchaser to exert all efforts to annex the land to the Village.
      All taps shall be in full compliance at all times with local, state and federal requirements.
      (3)   Upon the allowance of the application for the tap, the Superintendent will endorse the fact of allowance upon the triplicate copy. The applicant may then file the application in triplicate with the Clerk who shall present the same to the Administrator. The action of the Administrator shall be endorsed upon the triplicate copy of the application by the Clerk. If the Administrator by his action allows the application, the Superintendent shall allow the tap to be made. The tap applied for shall be made by the applicant or his contractor at the point designated by the Superintendent.
      (4)   If the application is disallowed by the Administrator, the disallowance shall be endorsed upon the application. The applicant may then file the application with the Council of the Village who shall act upon the same at their next regular meeting. The Superintendent, applicant, and the Administrator shall appear at the Council meeting and be heard. The action of the Council shall be by motion spread upon its minutes and endorsed upon the application by the Clerk.
         (Ord. 08-01. Passed 3-3-08.)
   (b)   Fee.
      (1)   The fee established for making a connection into the Village sanitary sewer system shall be one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00).
         (Ord. 20-36. Passed 12-21-20.)
      (2)   The tap fee and system development fee, when applicable, shall be paid in full before any tap is made in the Village sewer system.
   (c)   Method of Making Tap; Inspection. 
      (1)   If no tap is provided in the public sewer, the tap shall be made by cutting and removing a section of the public sewer, inserting the proper size Y fitting, and banding the Y fitting with a rubber coupling with an adjustable stainless steel ring.
      (2)   Should the above-mentioned method prove not to be a feasible method, then, with the approval of the Superintendent of Wastewater Facilities, a neat round hole of the proper size shall be made in the public sewer. An approved type fitting will then be used to secure a smooth joint which will be encased in concrete by the applicant or his contractor.
      (3)   The tap must be inspected by the Superintendent or his representative.
         (Ord. 1179. Passed 3-21-77.)
   (d)   Consent Prior to Connecting into Sewer Lines Required. 
      (1)   No person or entity shall connect into a sewer line within the Village prior to receiving written consent from a Village person designated by the Village Council.
      (2)   Any person or entity who shall violate this subsection and any person who aids, abets or assists therein, shall, upon conviction thereof for each violation be subject to a fine of any amount not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000).
         (Ord. 89-50. Passed 12-18-89.)