TABLE A - Franchises
Ord. No.    Date    Description
Unno.    5-14-1889    Delphos Drilling Co. to maintain and operate gas pipes
3    5-14-1889    Electric Light and Power Co. to maintain and operate electric poles and wires.
17    10-23-1889    Delphos Electric Light and Power Co. to maintain and operate electric poles and wires.
18    1-24-1890    Delphos Electric Light and Power Co. for electric light charges.
85    8-2-1898    Electric Light and Power Co. to light streets, alleys, parks and public places.
Unno.    12-17-1901    Consolidated Gas and Light Co. to maintain and operate street gas pipes and appliances.
Unno.    3-12-1902    Electric Light and Power Co. to light the streets, alleys, parks and public places.
28A    9-12-11    Delphos Gas Co. regulates gas prices for ten years.
84A    12-8-14    Delphos Manufacturing Co. to construct and maintain overhead wires for electrical current transmission and for telephone lines for ten years.
100A    5-11-15    Delphos Gas Co. regulates gas prices for ten years.
119A    12-14-15    Delphos Home Telephone Co. to construct and maintain underground conduits, cables, wires and fixtures.
145A    3-27-17    Northwestern Ohio Light Co. to operate and maintain lines for distribution of electricity.
159A    11-13-17    Regulates electricity prices charged by Northwestern Ohio Light Co.
214A    11-9-20    Regulates gas prices charged by Delphos Gas Co.
224A    10-25-21    Regulates gas prices charged by Delphos Gas Co.
272A    1-23-24    Northwestern Ohio Light Co. to construct a pole line from W. Second St. to the company plant.
279A    11-11-24    Regulates electrical prices charged by Northwestern Ohio Light Co.
300A    12-9-24    Regulates electrical prices charged by Northwestern Ohio Light Co.
303A    5-19-25    Northwestern Ohio Light Co. to maintain and operate high voltage transmission lines over certain streets.
314A    12-8-25    Regulates electrical prices charged by Northwestern Ohio Light Co.
316A    12-8-25    Regulates gas prices for five years charged by the Delphos Gas Co.
14B    2-15-29    Regulates prices charged for electric light by the Ohio Power Co.
40B    12-23-30    Regulates gas prices for five years charged by the Delphos Gas Co.
171B    3-3-39    Regulates electrical prices charged by the Ohio Power Co.
220B    11-25-41    Ohio Power Co. to maintain and operate lines for distribution of electricity.
285B    9-24-46    Herold B. Williams and Forest W. Fought to maintain and operate a public bus line.
841B    10-12-65    Delphos Herald, Inc., to operate and maintain a community television antenna system.
873B    4-11-67    Ohio Power Co. to construct and maintain and operate lines for distribution of electric energy.
1988-23    9-27-88    Grants a 10 year extension to the existing franchise agreement per Ord. 841-B
2000-40   9-11-00   Grants a cable television franchise to Time Warner Cable Entertainment Co. to construct, operate and maintain a cable television system.
2017-12   3-20-17   Grants to Ohio Power Company, its successors and assigns, the right to acquire, construct, maintain, and operate in the streets, thoroughfares, alleys, bridges, and public places of the City line for the transmission and distribution of electric energy.