No license shall be required of a peddler or solicitor for the following:
   (a)   Soliciting only the purchase or subscription for newspapers having their principal sale or distribution in this Municipality.
   (b)   Soliciting only for wholesale delivery to merchants, manufacturers or other business or manufacturing establishments.
   (c)   Peddling or soliciting at the invitation or request of the person contacted.
   (d)   Any Charitable Solicitor, Soliciting or peddling on behalf of and for any locally recognized religious, educational, civic or charitable organization, without compensation to the solicitor or peddler (i.e. girl scouts, boy scouts, little league organizations)
   (e)   Residents soliciting signatures for campaign petitions and/or campaign contributions.
   (f)   Selling agricultural produce grown in Allen, Van Wert or Putnam Counties.
      (Ord. 2014-39. Passed 9-8-14.)