Regardless of age, no person shall do the following in the reservoir:
   (a)   Swim, wade or allow a domesticated animal owned by or under the control of the person to swim, wade, or enter the water contained in the reservoirs in any fashion whatsoever;
   (b)   Throw any objects into the water, except when fastened to a fishing line;
   (c)   Throw any stones or rocks, known as riprap, from the banks into the water.
   (d)   No person shall enter upon the spillway, abutments or in or upon any of the buildings or structures connected to or used in conjunction therewith.
   (e)   Hunting of any kind on city/reservoir property is prohibited.
   (f)   No person shall be in possession or control of an open container of an alcoholic beverage or be found in a state of intoxication or, being intoxicated, shall disturb the peace and good order, or shall conduct himself in a disorderly manner within the Delphos Gillmor reservoir area.
   (g)   No person shall ride a horse, or permit a horse to be on any area of the reservoir land.
   (h)   No person shall ice skate, snowmobile, or ice boat on the City reservoirs, and appropriate signs shall be posted to this effect;
   (i)   No person shall ice or snow sled on the City reservoir except in designated areas.
   (j)   All domestic pets must be controlled on a leash.
   (k)   No person shall build or use an open fire on reservoir property.
      (Ord. 2008-27. Passed 6-24-08.)