(a)    The Civil Defense Coordinator shall be so named and selected by the Mayor if and when the position is vacated.
   (b)    The Civil Defense Coordinator shall have an established place for service activities, whether it be at a City owned building or in his home, and that the address, telephone number and radio connection be published in the Delphos Emergency Operation Plan.
   (c)    The Civil Defense Coordinator shall serve without salary or commission for his services.
   (d)    The Civil Defense Coordinator shall work with Council, the Mayor and executive heads of all City departments, and is to assist the same and the general public in time of any major or minor disaster such as tornados, storms, floods or accidents. The Civil Defense Coordinator has no authority over City departments and such departments will be directed by the Mayor or his designated representative during times of an emergency.
   (e)    The Civil Defense Coordinator for the City is responsible for the updating of the City Emergency Operations Plan Manual and its contents.
   (f)    The Civil Defense Coordinator appointed by the Mayor shall perform the duties for the Civil Defense and emergency disaster service groups of the City.
(Ord. 1305-B. Passed 11-22-77.)