(a)   Authority. The Board shall act in an advisory role to City departments, committees, commissions, or boards where the action or inaction taken by the aforementioned entities may affect the preservation of Historic Resources.
   (b)   Duties. The Design Review Board is charged with the following duties:
      (1)   The Board shall maintain the Historic Resource Inventory and conduct a continuing exterior survey of all street facades of Historic Resources, including photographs and condition surveys updated every ten (10) years, and make this inventory available for public inspection.
      (2)   The Board shall review and act upon all applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for any proposed alterations or changes to property within the boundaries of the Downtown Business District established by City Council. The Board’s issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be secured before a Zoning Permit is issued or any owner of property may commence work thereon.
      (3)   The Board may recommend the inclusion of funds in the annual City budget for the Board to confer with technical experts, as required, to better evaluate an Historic Resource or render a judgement on a Certificate of Appropriateness.
      (4)   The Board shall act in an advisory role to City officials and department heads, council commissions, committees, and board regarding the protection of local historic resources: In this capacity, the Board may:
         A.   Act in an advisory role to City officials in the updating of the City’s Master Plan;
         B.   Recommend amendments to the zoning text for the Downtown Business District, including the design and location of business signage;
         C.   Recommend to City Council any additions or revisions to the Zoning Plan deemed necessary for the Downtown Business District, including recommendations for the inclusion of non- contiguous properties;
         D.   Recommend infrastructure improvements, such as paving styles, the relocation/replacement of streetlights, and the design and location of street furniture in the Downtown Business District;
         E.   Assist the City, business owners, and residents in the application for grants consistent with the objectives of this ordinance.
      (5)   On behalf of the City, the Board shall act as liaison to individuals and organizations regarding the protection of local historic resources.
         A.   The Board shall work for the continuing education of the residents of the City, with respect to the architectural and historic heritage of the City as designated in the Historic Resource Inventory and Downtown Business District.
         B.   The Board may assist the City notify each property owner within the Downtown Business District of the establishment of the District within a reasonable time of the establishment of the District and whenever the City gains knowledge of the transfer of ownership of a property within the District. The notice shall be delivered to the address of the owner as it appears on the current tax list. [NOTE: Failure of the City or Board to notify a property owner shall not absolve the owner from adhering to any provision of the Downtown Business District Ordinance.]
         C.   The Board shall maintain a library of preservation resources to be used by Board members for the purpose of increasing their knowledge of architectural preservation and design. These resources will also be made available to owners of historic resources in the City of Delphos on a lending library basis with reasonable return due dates.
         D.   The Board shall encourage and assist building owners with procedures for seeking National Register designation.
            (Ord. 2006-11. Passed 4-25-06.)