924.07 APPEALS.
   Any person adversely affected by an action of the Director under this chapter, where this chapter has specifically provided for appeal, shall file a notice of appeal with the Director within 10 days of said action. At a minimum, the notice of appeal shall include: name, address and telephone number of appellant; date; the statement of intent to appeal and a description of the nature of the appeal and any pertinent documentation. Filing shall be made at the office of the Director. The Director may, but need not, stay the action from which the appeal is taken. The Director shall conduct the hearing on the matter within 30 days of receipt of the notice of appeal. The Director may grant a continuance as the Director deems necessary. Within 10 days of the hearing, the Director shall issue a written decision on the appeal. An applicant who fails to file a timely notice of appeal or to otherwise prosecute an appeal of an action of the Director shall be deemed to have agreed to the action taken by the Director.
(Ord. 2008-55. Passed 10-14-08.)