(a)   Parking of a camping trailer, recreational vehicle, motor home in any R-1 or R-2 District shall be prohibited except that one trailer may be parked or stored in an enclosed garage, or accessory building, or in the rear yard of any lot, provided that no living quarters shall be maintained, no water, sewer gas or light connections made to the trailer, or any business conducted in connection therewith while such trailer is parked or stored.
   (b)   A house trailer may be used as a temporary office in any B-1 or B-2 District provided that no living quarters shall be maintained therein. Construction offices are allowed for up to twelve months.
   (c)   In any district, the wheels or any similar transporting devised of any trailer or camp car shall not be removed except for repairs, nor shall such trailer or camp car be otherwise permanently fixed to the ground by any person, firm or corporation owning or operating a trailer camp, tourist camp or trailer in a manner that would prevent ready removal of the trailer or camp car.
(Ord. 2002-25. Passed 4-8-03.)