All future subdivisions of a completed Planned Unit Development shall be first reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission to assure that each subdivided area of the development includes the parking, open space, density, and other similar necessary requirements.
   The owner of any tract of land, five acres or larger in size, may submit to the Planning Commission for consideration a unit development plan showing in detail the planned development of the entire area. Such unit development plan may necessitate variations of existing zoning classifications or regulations as to lot area requirements, yard requirements or other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Such plan shall provide a minimum open space of at least thirty percent (30%) of the area.
   (a)   If approved by the Planning Commission and after public hearing and notice by Council in accordance with Chapter 1141, the application of use, height, area and yard regulations established herein shall be modified as required by such development plan but such modifications shall apply only to the area occupied by the plan. After approval by Council, no change shall be made in the approved plan unless such change be approved by council, after a public hearing.
   (b)   The filing of a unit development plan with the Planning Commission shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to cover investigations and other costs incident to the determination of the matter.
   (c)   Work on the proposed development shall commence within twelve months of the zoning change, otherwise the affected areas will revert to the classifications existing before such changes were made.
      (Ord. 2002-25. Passed 4-8-03.)