The Zoning Board of Appeals may authorize, subject to the provisions of Section 1137.02, the establishment of restricted parking lots in any R District, subject to the following conditions and limitations:
   (a)   The parking lot is incidental to a business or industrial use.
   (b)   Such parking lot shall be situated on private land which has an area of not less than 7,500 square feet and which abuts directly on any business or industrial use.
   (c)   Such parking lot shall be used for the parking of passenger automobiles only, and no commercial repair work, sales or service of any kind shall be conducted thereon.
   (d)   Every off-street parking area and access driveway thereto shall be hard-surfaced to completely eliminate dust and dirt and shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation.
   (e)   No parking space shall extend beyond the set back or building line.
   (f)   Definite artistic barriers and landscaping shall be placed around the area where needed so that such a parking lot will not be detriment to the neighborhood. The Board may prescribe further requirements or conditions deemed necessary for the protection of adjacent property.
   (g)   Any fixture used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from the street and away from adjoining premises used for residential purposes. The intensity of lighting shall not be such as to interfere unreasonably with any adjacent premises.
   (h)   Access to and from public streets and shall be subject to approval of the Service Director.
   (i)   Any permission herein granted is conditional upon full and complete compliance by the permittee with all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and any additional requirements of the Board because of specific problems involved relative to a specific location. Such full compliance must be complete and finished within six months from the effective date of permission. Otherwise, permission is automatically withdrawn.
   (j)   Entrances and exits shall be located within the adjoining business or industrial districts.
   (k)   An application for the establishment of a restricted parking lot shall be accompanied by the names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the premises in question so they may be given the opportunity to be heard in connection with the consideration of such application.
      (Ord. 805-B. Passed 9-22-64.)